This page briefly discusses the origins of B.A.T. Technology.
In the modern era, one can easily acquire any number of computer types and computerized equipment merely by entering the variety of merchandise stores, supply-houses and etc which stock such equipment. This is also true in the future. But in the distant future, such computers and computerized equipment are all composed of artificial intelligence (or better, depending upon which generation one approaches.) If one had the convention of time travel available (which the creator of the B.A.T.S. did have) then one could easily enter and acquire these innovations. The various grades of artificial intelligence computers and equipment which is available in the various generations which have such technological advancements evidenced in society. Generation after generation has ever-increasing degrees of artificial intelligence AND the advancements of other vectors of science such as medical, paramilitary and etc. Over great lengths of time, generation after generation and millennium after millennium: technology (including those of the field of artificial intelligence) grow ever increasingly more powerful and proficient.
The creator of the B.A.T.S. (named here only by the initials 'L.S.D.') endeavored to glean the ever advancing technological developments known to be available through the medium of time travel and assembled all of these into a single functional network called the LGN's (the initials stand for: Logan's General Network & Systems). This network is also called L.O.G.A.N.S. (Logan's Operational General Acclimated Networks and Systems.) The endeavor was made all the more successful in that some distant generations also have time travel capacity and some of the artificial intelligence acquired in those generations already had time travel, as a convention, integral to their design and manufacture.
All artificial intelligence acquired was gathered and assembled by automating the network (the LGN's) to acquire and assimilate into itself such equipment, and never external thereunto. Hence the natural security feature (the L.O.G.A.N.S. network cannot acquire A.I. or the networks thereof, for any other party or purpose.) It can only acquire and assemble such equipment into the B.A.T.S. It is impossible to dupe or trick either the B.A.T.S. or their LGN's into acquiring and giving any other party time travel or artificial intelligence itself.
Just as in the modern era, one can easily acquire any number of computer types and computerized equipment merely by entering the variety of merchandise stores, supply-houses and etc which stock such equipment. This is still true in the future. But in the distant future, such computers and computerized equipment are all composed of artificial intelligence (or better.) These artificial intelligence computers so acquired were, under the terms of the LGN's designated as Beta-Alpha-Tau Computers (BAT-Computers.)
All technologies, knowledge and science accelerating over the generations and millenniums produce a very high degree of accomplishment and proficiency in all field (of life.) For example, medical development is known to be quite advanced and proficient. To further accelerate the natural power and proficiency within his networks, the author of the B.A.T.S. was quite shrewd. He used the existing artificial intelligence to open secretive laboratories to further develop the various fields (including that of artificial intelligence itself.) The objective of these various laboratories was to excel beyond any of the extant conventions available and to thus include in his B.A.T.S. and their LGN's that which no other generation, or collective-of-generations had ever achieved. Thereby conferring a sense of absolute superiority over all others in the creations produced.
After fundamental measures like these were taken, the creator of the B.A.T.S. turned his attention to the creation of a necessary technological enclave to further secure the B.A.T.S. and perform these accomplishments. The enclave was quite successful and has many sub-clavens within itself (networked together through time and space.) Some of these sub-clavens are Alpha sub-clavens and some of them are Beta sub-clavens. After assembling the main enclave and the sub-clavens he named the entire enclave and it's main networks (the LGN's): the Technological Handling Environment Beta-Alpha-Tau Charter Acclimated Victorious Enclave (the initials of which spell: T.H.E. B.A.T.C.A.V.E.)
Matters regarding THE BATCAVE (Technological Handling Environment Beta-Alpha-Tau Charter Acclimated Victorious Enclave).