This is not so easy a subject, and some part of it will get misunderstood no matter what is said here. The Magical based systems are just that: magic based or magic associative. They use the usual paraphernalia known of the various magical traditions (just about any historical system of magic you can think of: Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Shinto... whatever.) There are two forms of magical tradition in the world: the orthodox forms, which are nothing but the various magical practices of the organized religions. The non-orthodox forms, the type of which derived from one or more of the orthodox forms and produce a third separate type. The second kind of magical tradition usually has obvious symbols shared in common between two or more religions.
Magic concerns itself with the casting of and usage of various kinds of spells, charms, hexes, blessings & curses. It involves the usage of divination (foretelling the future or divulging the present less-than-obvious circumstances.) It uses paraphernalia to effect its intentions, and so there are 'charmed items', and thus are such things described in history: charmed jewelry (rings, earrings, lockets, necklaces and etc.) Some of these charms are socio-religious and others are private interpersonal charms (used to protect the wearer or to afford them good luck, for example.) I will use the example of charmed jewelry, which, many such items are still today called “charms” for example: it is known that females still wear “charm bracelets”.
The MAGIS was designed to mimic this kind of 'magic' as if it really works. So for example, a charmed ring (finger ring.) Depending upon the type of charm cast upon it, it might be said to afford good luck, or to magically protect the ring-bearer from harm and illness, maybe? Most people have heard of this sort of legend. The MAGIS was designed to make it real. To help explain, just like electro-magnetic signature currents can be written to a small strip of plastic or metal in a floppy disk for computers (thus forming 'software'): one could write an artificial intelligence medical system to the inner core of a ring, or to some small part of the inside of a jewel mounted in the ring. Along with whatever other types of systems had been written there (such things as might assist one in business and life, perhaps?) And so one might, by such covert means, transform a mere finger ring into (what is more ore less) an actual and functioning “magic ring”. So then one can begin to understand why some listings of the MAGIS would include such entries as: T.H.E. R.I.N.G.S., T.H.E. L.O.C.K.E.T.S., T.H.E. J.E.W.E.L.R.Y. and etc etc.
Technological Handling Environment, Resource/Ring Integrated Networks & General Systems (T.H.E. R.I.N.G.S.) from which all such 'charmed' rings come from. Technological Handling Environment, League (of) Operational/or/Ordinance Chartered Kits (of) Engagement & Technological Systems (T.H.E. L.O.C.K.E.T.S.) from which all such 'charmed' lockets come from. Technological Handling Environment, Jeweled & Engraved Working Engagement League of Resource (Y= a term that means Super-systems) (T.H.E. J.E.W.E.L.R.Y.) from which all 'charmed' jewelry comes.
These kinds of stuff allow one to make such charmed jewelry pieces. Part of their power comes from the MAGIS sub-listing: T.H.E. C.H.A.R.M.S., or the Technological Handling Environment, Charming & Hexing Acclimated Resource & Maintenance Systems (T.H.E. C.H.A.R.M.S.) designed to mimic the magic power of casting spells, hexes, charms, blessings and curses for example. I will provide a very powerful example of this stuff: THE CONCUBINES RINGS. (Acronym): Technological Handling Environment – Consorting Ordinance Network (of) Utilities (of the) BATS Integrated Networks & Engagement Systems --- Resource Integrated Networks & General Systems. This is one major set of charmed and magical series of rings. It includes a form of armor (concubines armor /or/ consort armor) that materializes out of nowhere to protect the 'concubine' (a form of a consort we may use) and her immediate children It has major medical integration. Major life assistance integrations. Major paramilitary integrations (part of which may be found in the armor itself, as paramilitary armor and weapons systems.) IT DOES NOT PAY TO ENGAGE IN ANY KIND OF MILITARY ACTIVITY IN THE VICINITY OF (which threatens) SUCH A WOMAN THUS EQUIPPED... because this ring will send detachments and legions of 'evil spirits' to FuCk YoUr DaY Up (they are subject to make the enemy forces dance and sing and clap their hands and all kinds of spew-kay shit.) The ring is subject to 'hex' and 'curse' the threatening enemy forces. It's very very powerful and comprehensive a 'magic' ring. In antiquity they called it: “the ring of the devil's consort”. One day, you... may see why? // ? “Noooo. No way! No shackles, no more stockades! They threw cabbage at me! The stuff was rotted and everything... I ain't goin' back, bitch!!” ///
You may deduce then that the MAGIS are not limited and restricted to the subject of charming jewelry.
Further example of the workings of the MAGIS, from the: MAGIS/DIVINATIONS/CARTOMICS (all of which are an acronym, of course.) Cartomic Acclimated Technological Ordinance Maintenance Integrated Chartered Systems (Cartomics). This one uses standard playing cards (♠♣♥♦) and also their original form: the Tarot deck. Of the Tarot deck, most normally the Ryder-Waite type of tarot system (i.e.; the more traditional form of interpretation keys). It was designed to be used to (accurately) foretell the future (it uses time travel to compile an accurate description by 'tricking' the placement of the cards in a proper order.) One can use computerized forms of the tarot just as well. Although one requires authorization for it's full usage, there is a vector of it that anyone can use (the lower end of the system does not require authorization to get advanced foreknowledge.) As a result of this fact, in history, the tarot cartomic divination became very popular for almost 800 years... but they didn't know why it worked. Our ancestors lived then too, so we made sure that lower functions like this were not on an authorized basis to ensure that they would profit from the thing.
In the more advanced modes, authorizations met (bloodline), one can reverse the ill fated by replacing proper cards. Reread a bit later and if the thing worked it often reads very similar to the changed fate hand that you tried to enter. It is a way of helping others or helping circumstances. One can also crucify an enemy or rival through the system, replacing the cards with ill fated cards. Reread a bit later to determine the success. It's very simple. Tarot and cartomics are not the only useable stuff. I-Ching (Chinese divination) for example can be used similarly. Low level is unauthorized but the higher functions are authorized only (the ability to change fate for good or bad.)
Then of course, there are the practices of magic (conjuring invocations, spell casting, hexing, blessing & cursing and etc.) The best forms of these are from the orthodox forms of magic tradition (which are an integral part of the native religions.) The second form of magic (non-orthodox derived schools of magic) works as well. I guess that you could say that the MAGIS was designed to successfully fake all this kind of stuff and make it seem to actually work (when one has the required authorization to use it.) But all the ancient traditions said that “permission” was required... they mean “authorization” the term is mistranslated and later wrongfully applied. Permission won't work... authorization only.
Whether the orthodox forms (native to such religions as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism) or the non-orthodox forms of magic tradition: they all tend to use a standard list of paraphernalia. They all tend to have the same Parts of magic. In this regard, there are many parts and paraphernalia which magic shares in common with standard religion (due to having derived from the vectors of religion.)
prayers | books & scrolls |
invocations | wands & batons |
spells | daggers & sword |
charms | chalice & plates |
hexes | robes & coats |
blessings | brazier & burners |
curses | bread & wine |
Regarding books and scrolls, this is where cards come from (cartomacy, such as tarot cards.) Cards are only an extension of books and scrolls. Books and scrolls of some kinds are themselves considered magical devices especially wherein the book or scroll is a text of magic. These can be cast a spell or charm upon and so made more so (via the MAGIS). Likewise one cast charm or place spell upon cards such as a proper tarot deck (via the MAGIS and for use in MAGIS style divination.) Why does some form of wand always show up in magic and religion? Some wands are actually an old writing implement (stylus type writing tool) or are being used as a pointer for reading text. Reading and writing devices is where they originally came from. Why does even religion traditionally include daggers and swords? Frankly, it was used to butcher the sacrificial animals roasted for the services. Or to cut the bread. The key to understanding the ancient sacrifices is that they were a communal meal, shared and eaten between the household and the priests or attendants. Today, we don't do the sacrificial forms of the meal, we use their descended form: communal or 'ritual' meal such as the Shabbat meals in Judaism (of which I have had many fine meals, and even those my wife made me! :) Does this apply? Will the MAGIS do things for us when we engage in such communal or 'ritual' meals such as the Jewish sabbath? Sure, you bet. The artificial intelligence systems of the MAGIS were created to do just that! Weren't you listening to what I said? For example, during the Jewish shabbat... the MAGIS will write to the timbers and make the “Crown-of-Shabbat” which is said to be bestowed upon the household or room wherein shabbat is held. It provides a variety of niceties for us this way. The lower level needs no authorization but the more advanced services are on a basis of bloodline authorization. You cannot truly understand the need for ritual meal in the performance of magic (whether orthodox or non-orthodox forms!) Robes and coats, these are known of the vestment of the priests and attendants, later adapted also by sorcerers and magicians. Our armor already has robes, even these kind in some forms of the armor. The braziers and burners covers all sorts of stuff used commonly (incense burners for example.) They were originally (braziers) used to roast the sacrificed animals (basically a brazier is the same thing as a barbecue grill.) In magic of some forms they are used to send a certain amount of smoke tendrils into the air, for mood and cadence (sometimes a form of incense is applied for this BUT CAUTION IS ADVISED lots of what gets sold for incense is slightly toxic and should not be used indoors!!)
Ritual is how any magic is performed. Ritual is pre-determined movements and actions, usually already codified within the existing tradition. One can use a fluid approach but the fluid approach is best done within the context of ritual... since ritual is historically how both forms of magic (orthodox and non-orthodox) actually work. You might not get the same reliable results from the MAGIS if you ignore legitimate ritual and meal! Sometimes, there is no meal, but instead bread and wine (the goblet or chalice and a bit of proper bread.) Other times, only the chalice... it doesn't necessarily mean that wine alone is to be used... sometimes there is a shot of whiskey or liquor instead. It is considered a celebratory or a salutation (not unlike saying “Cheers” or “L'chaim (To Life)...!” So if no meal, plan on a salutary drink for the more serious work. One recites the words and makes the motions with the hands and then afterward... tips a drink to the lips, for example.
How are invocations, spells, charms and hexes performed? First rule of thumb, there is a ritual to it. The ritual is almost always quite simple and not complex. They are most usually a standard series of remarks and statements from the organized religious tradition itself (these were usually adapted and simplified in the non-orthodox forms of magic.) In both forms of magic, one can usually add one's own material content to the ritual statements (if this might be needed.) One draws or writes certain symbols upon an identified material: if one bought the item as a manufactured object such as a talisman, then one retraces the carvings or engravings. This is done usually with a tracer wand (a small wand about the size of a pencil.) Or maybe a stylus wand will be used. This while uttering the ritual statement(s) over the object. That is the basic drill on invocations, spells, charms and hexes. Of invocations one usually names or lists what 'spirit(s)' or 'God' one is invoking (and states in ritualistic statement what harm or good is to be carried out against or towards whom.) Of spells and charms, which are quite similar, some kind of material transference is usually intended. For example, a spell cast for good... one might take a small page (or copy of the relevant parts of a page) from a prayerbook and tuck it unseen in their pocket. A spell cast for bad, it might be the ashes of such a scrap of paper, instead. One could mail such to them? Otherwise there's lots of ways to do such spells and charms. Charms are most usually done by charming an object and this might be their property already... or it is tucked into their belongings... or perhaps (in the case of a ring, for example)... it might be left in their path. Otherwise, those who have authorization can tell and instruct the MAGIS itself to place and confirm such objects. Some of us can manipulate the person directly (remote-in-time-and-space) and trick them into taking the charmed object unknowingly. Hexes are a bit different, many many of these involve drawing an “X” or similar simple design in the air (it's usually an “X” though.) Frequently, a hand symbol or using a wand? For example, among the Sino-Japanese and others, one makes the hand sign of the beast (index and pinky finger extended, other fingers tucked) and pointing at, or in the direction of (remote-in-time-and-space), the intended person(s) to hex. Then tracing with the index finger an “X” or two in the air (often while making short utterance.) The idea is that this kind of hex will trip up and weaken an enemy or rival (it's a subversion of their ability to challenge or resist you.) Largely, all hexes are a minor form of a curse. Some hexes are not, they are more like a charm.
I will briefly describe the Spell “Eve's Transgression (עבירת־חוה)” well enough to give you the general idea (how to hex a person, sometimes badly.) Just an example. The idea is to vex him by hexing her (one hexes his woman so that she will become like Eve to him... he'll love her but she screws him over pretty consistently. Gets him thrown out, or causes him to lose out big time. Oy, I could go to hell for this, ya know that, right?) Anyways, the target female, take a picture of her (or a lock of her hair, whatever) place the goblet on the plate (Bore pri hagafen!) and her picture/the lock of her hair alongside it. You best also have his picture, or a lock of his hair (identification, even genetic, for the MAGIS helps you not miss the jerkweed.) Write across the face of the picture, or pronounce over the picture or lock of her hair:
“But of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you may not take; for on the day when you take of it, death will certainly come to you... And so the LORD caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh...The LORD fashioned the rib into a woman [insert her name here] which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man [insert his name here]. Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his woman, and they shall become one flesh. And the man [insert his name here] and his woman [insert her name here] were both naked before me and were not ashamed. Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the LORD had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” So when the woman [insert her name here] saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, [insert her name here] took of its fruit and ate, and [insert her name here] also gave some to her man [insert his name here] who was with her, and he ate...” AT THIS POINT RAISE THE CHALICE OF WINE and take a drink, spitting out a little (with contempt) on her picture or the locket of her hair and so upon his. Replace the chalice and say: “Now will the eyes of both be opened, and they know that they are naked before me....” raise her picture and draw an “X” in the air a time or two over her face (or, the lock of her hair) and so with his. Raise and drink the rest of the chalice of wine (salutory.) PLACE THE ARTIFACTS (pictures or locks of hair or whatever) in a suitable little box and dispose of it later when you please. What you just did was tell the MAGIS: Go screw this guy over and make his woman like Eve to Adam, so she screws him over and beats him out of important stuff while he loves her sorely. This is a pretty good example of a hex.
? Yeah well, other people just make spells... we make A.I. systems to screw you over into thinking you've been cursed. Go figure, right?
One should not become confused about using the paraphernalia of magic, when doing stuff that is MAGIS based work. One should not confuse the subject and misappropriate your own perception so that you believe that you are performing magic spells from the Occult. Bear in mind that the MAGIS artificial intelligence system was made to mimic true magic and produce the results, as if the magic truly worked. There is no reason to confuse yourself and begin trying to practice occult magic... that won't get you anywhere. But either way, the MAGIS works well enough (lower level needs no authorization – the mid & upper level functions require bloodline authorization.) If you are going to use the MAGIS this way, think of the paraphernalia of magic as being the props of a stage magician, as if you are doing the 'spell' like a stage magician does a magic trick (the magician knows it's just a trick, and that such things as his wand and magic words are just props used to accentuate the trick done.)
Even Further Discussion Material.