2) 所持金及び所持品 Shojikin Oyobi Shojihin
Money in one's possession and possessions in hand
所持金 Shojikin Money in one's possession
貨幣価値 Kaheikachi Currency value
報酬(月給) Hōjū ( Gekkyu ) Remuneration ( monthly salary )
食事銭 Shokujisen Food Money
外食 Gaishoku Eating out
物品の購入 Buppin No Kōnyū Purchasing of goods
保存食 Hozonshoku Preserved Foods
装備品 Sōbihin Gear and Clothing
着物 Kimono Clothing and attire
羽織 Haori Coat (formal)
下駄 Geta Clogs
傘 Kasa Umbrella
扇子 Sensu Fan
火打ち石 Hiuchi'ishi Flint
蝋燭 Rosoku Candles
提灯 Chōchin Paper lanterns
油 Abura Oil
縄 Nawa Rope
携帯用の筆と硯 Haitaiyō No Hitsutoken Portable Pen and inkstone
本 Hon Books
新聞 Shinbun Newspapers
薬箱 Kusuribako Medicine cabinet
治療道具 Chiryō Dōgu First aid equipment
毒消しと傷薬 Dokuhashi To Kizugusuri Antidotes and ointments
[entry omitted] not kanji [entry omitted]
埃眼鏡 Hakori Gankyo Eyeglass cleaning dust
双眼鏡 Sōgankyō Binoculars [field glasses]
工具入 Kōgu'ire Toolbox
石田散薬 Aburatoishi Oilstone
鍵開け器 Kagiakeki Locksmithing tools
武器 Buki Arms; weapons
乗用馬 Jōyōba Horse drawn carriage [箱馬車 Hakobasha ]
乗用車 Jōyōsha Passenger vehicle
医者にかかる Issha ni kakaru Consulting a doctor
医術技能による治療 Ijutsu Ginō Niyoru Chiryō Rendering skilled medical treatment
薬物の使用 Yakubutsu No Shiyō Application of medicines
休息による自然治癒 Kyūsoku Niyoru Shizenchiyu Recovery by rest and relaxation
成長 Seichō Growth [to adulthood]
成熟期 Seijukuki Adolescent puberty
高度成長 Kōdo Seichō Advanced maturity
老熟 Rōjuku Mature ages
技能 Ginō Technical skill
技能の修得 Ginō No Jūtoku No Koto The matter of acquisition of technical skill
一般技能 Ippon Ginō Ordinary technical skills
特殊技能 Tokushu Ginō Special technical skills
経験点 Keikenten Mark of experience
追加経験点表 Tsuika Keikenten No Omote The outer mark of supplemental experience
追加経験点表 Tsuika Keikenten No Omote The outer mark of supplemental experience
2) 所持金及び所持品 Shojikin Oyobi Shojihin
Money in one's possession and possessions in hand
The second installment of Nichijo seikatsu, helping oneself in daily life. It concerns itself with money in one's possession and with possessions in hand. Possessions are usually acquired by what money one has in hand and so the two subjects are actually inter-related, if not one and the same. The following listings address the basics of the subject, but the listed goods and supplies are from older Japanese items and have been reinterpreted into a modern context.
所持金 Shojikin Money in one's possession
It seems prudent to remind you that this web-page is all about budo. Suffice to say that any soldier, law enforcement officer or emergency technician must pay his own way both in the line of duty and during the course of free time during his daily life. This entry is about being able to pay one's own way during the course of such duties and in one's own daily life, with the money in one's possession. The object is always to increase what money one has on hand and not to decrease it. But in this endeavor, one considers that goods and possessions have a monetary value and so that monetary value is accounted as being part of the monies one has in their possession. Also, goods and possessions have a utilization value, so the monetary value is not the only relevant value. The plural term 'monies' is here employed to help demonstrate that more than one form of money is referred to. CONSUMABLES. One obstacle is that certain goods and supplies are by nature intended to be consumed, sometimes as fuel (food) and sometimes as products of necessity (toilet paper, for example.) Being consumed, their monetary value is also consumed. In short, one needs to balance and reduce the cost of consumables, because these are a weak point by which available monies are swiftly decreased. But also, one needs to remember the old saying that you get what you pay for (buying cheap goods is useless since the quality is usually very poor.) In regards to some consumables, especially food stuffs and medicines, this saying remains very true. Good nutritious foods are essential and one cannot really replace them with lesser items without loss of respective health and vitality. Medicines are very similar and in some types of cases, may actually make you sicker if you use them. Since the object is to help oneself in daily life by properly recognizing, managing and increasing the monies in one's possession – one needs to understand the relative value of things. What possessions one holds and acquires that have some relative monetary value. What does not. What is a consumable and has little value (to lose in the process of consumption.) What are consumables of significant value and hence imply a greater loss in the process of consumption.) One point of interest: A person only has as much money on hand as they do, throughout the entire course of their life. At the end of your days, the sum total amount of what monies were in your possession is set in stone. This means that, in reality the sum of money available to you is a fixed fact of history. You never had any more and you never will. This being the case, it is extremely important that you manage all extant funds and monies in your possession. Be reasonably careful what kind of losses are taken in the process of consumption. INCREASING INCOME. Always seek by just, respectable and reasonable means to increase the amount of money in your possession. The object is to increase what money one has and not to decrease it. Increasing one's income by any available and reasonable means is always advisable. Even if all one does is increase it by a negligible amount per week... say, for example, $2 per week (perhaps by recycling pop cans) this can easily lead to a significant sum over a 12 month period ($2 X 4 weeks X 12 months = $96). That sum of money thus became available over the course of the year (for you to make use of.) Or it did not become available. It's really that simple. Fact is that all kinds of free money exists just laying around... and always did. Scavenging and salvage are respectable enough means of increasing income. SELLING OFF POSSESSIONS. Do not engage in selling off your possessions, whether as outright sales or as pawning..Since possessions have monetary and utilization value and it is rare to be able to sell them off at a price that actually equals their value. This tends to decrease both your possessions and money in hand whilst providing an illusionary increase in one's immediate available funds. In the end, you lose ground. This is budo, remember, the subject of taking, holding and maintaining ground is integrally important. PRECIOUS METALS. Gold and silver one should acquire as much of as he can afford. Their relative value is somewhat guaranteed (gold and silver are never worthless, even when the currency devalues.) Spending $45 on a 1/10 troy oz gold coin, or spending $10 on a troy oz silver coin is never wrong, and the timing of having bought them is never wrong. INVESTING. Money market accounts are great, the safe kind are better than the other kind, it's easier to lose money with the other kind (but it makes money faster as well.) Money market accounts beat the shit out of an IRA any day of the week. Just occasionally pull some of the excess from the money market account and stick it in a regular savings account. When you have the funds, then start a new money market account, the less secure kind (do so at the time of year when usually these accounts make and do not lose money.) Take every penny of the gain made in the less secure MMA money market account, and transfer that to the more secure money market account to increase the gains there. And again, skim of some of the gain from the more secure MMA and transfer it to a normal savings account. You can make amazing amounts of money doing this. MMA's require a minimum amount to open, at present it's about $5,000 or so. But in the first six months you will make about $300-400 in interest (no shit.) MMA's are great, just manage the funds between the various types of accounts like I said. TIGHTFISTED. Never demonstrate tightfistedness, it always works against you in the long run. Do not be a miser since doing so will not produce any of the desired results. Reasonable generosity is always best. Tightfistedness is usually born of fear for one's own pocket and life, but it defeats the purpose and causes one to lose ground. Behave like a normal person, handling money and valuables with normal sensitivity. One tendency, when first encountering and trying to implement information like our teachings on Nichojo seikatsu helping oneself in daily life is to over-react and to spasmodically alter one's willingness to interact financially with others. This is an instinctive freeze that sometimes occurs upon recognition that one may be mishandling very important life affairs. But it is almost always harmful to do so. The best reaction is to not react. Instead, merely detach and observe one's own exchanges and intercourses through immediate daily conduct over the next several months. Then just reasonably alter any target conducts and behaviors to adjust expenditures and businesses. CAPTAIN OF THE VESSEL. You and your life (including your household, if you are head of household) are like a ship at sea, if your money and resources are quite limited and your possessions few, then you are as a person in a small oared wooden boat out upon the waters. If you have more resources and more possessions, your vessel is as a mid sized wooden keelboat, perhaps with a sail. Or, if more fortunate than this, then your vessel is a modest motorboat In any event, it is you whom call the shots in your life, assuming that you are independent of your parents. It's your boat, and yours to decide where to take it. Information on this web-page is from the teachings of our school to help you do just this. Run a tight ship (this is a reference to running good personal operations as the conduct of your life and household. Not a reference to being tight in life.) Treat your life and household as if indeed it were a vessel and as if indeed you were out on the waters. Structure and organization is then a necessity. What if you are not head of household? Two circumstances which constitute this: you might live under your father's roof (or your family members' roof), or you might be a roommate to another whom is head of household. If there is no head of household, the household is structured wrong (sometimes younger persons room together and rent a single roof, and no head of household is apparent.) There must be a head of household evident. Joint co-headship is feasible. No head of household at all is not feasible. If you are not head of household, you are one of the hands on-board the vessel: act like it, man! What if the captain is inept? It is your duty to cover their mistakes and to do your duty as a hand on-board. Assist the 'captain' by non-intrusively helping him to learn the ropes of being captain and running the vessel (it is presumed here that you will eventually part company and pursue your own matters, as captain of your own vessel someday.) The point is that structure must be had, and that structure properly respected or it simply cannot function as a household. Apart from the perception of household, one's life is always a case of “you being the captain”, but it's likely to have authority figures above you if you are in the military and etc. One is, nonetheless, always “captain of their own vessel” since their life is as a vessel under these terms. There is the saying that one's life is their money and that their money is their life. This is a true statement more or less since there is no way to live without money. Money determines how one lives and for how long one lives. That is precisely how important money really is. Money is your life. Quite literally.
貨幣価値 Kaheikachi Currency value
The subject of currency value is markedly important since it dictates the actual worth and spending power of money in one's possession. If the currency devalues, for example, to ¼ of it's face value, it will only buy ¼ of what it used to. In straight terms, this means that a dollar bill would only be worth about .25¢ and all it will buy is, for example, a candy bar (which used to cost .25¢ but now runs closer to .80¢ or so.) This is a form of the process of consumption, but in this case, the currency value itself is being consumed and lost by various social processes. It reduces the actual amount of money in your possession, which ultimately leads to a reduction in the number of possessions in hand. Coincidentally, since life is money and money is life – devaluation of currency, or otherwise, the going value of currency, is respectively the value or devaluation of your life itself. One way to avoid devaluation of your lives (yours and that of your household and family members) is to possess reasonable quantities of such as gold and silver, as well as significant numbers of valuables and valuable goods in possession, personally and as a household and family. This is why spending money (in the right fashions) is never wrong – spending money is actually good.
報酬(月給) Hōjū ( Gekkyu ) Remuneration ( monthly salary )
This refers to the pay which one receives as income from employment or a position of some sort (such as a post in the military.) It does not include profits made from businesses which one engages in (that is a separate subject.) Necessarily, the matter of managing these funds is an important factor of helping oneself in daily life. It is better to have two incomes than one, if one has a mate, he or she may also supplement household income and so increase money in one's possession. Likewise, any relevant income produced by one's children, but one need always remember that this income belongs to your child and not to you or to your household since that position undermines the lives of your children and undermines their own households as adults. Since their household is an extension of your own, fundamentally it is to have sabotaged your own household to at all mismanage the properties and possessions of one's child (including their income as they produce any.)
食事銭 Shokujisen Food Money
This subject is an important one. It seems prudent to remind you that this web-page is all about budo. Suffice to say that any soldier, law enforcement officer or emergency technician must pay for his meals both in the line of duty and during the course of his own daily life. This is about being able to pay for those meals: food money. A certain amount of money in one's possession is always food money. Of food money, just like money in general, at the end of your days, you will have had only as much food money as you did. In reality, it is a fixed amount. As such it is fairly important how you manage it and what kinds of food are purchased. In light of the fact that it is really a fixed amount (which you will have had through the course of your life) can you imagine having spent upteen thousands of dollars on mere chocolate bars? Especially when you could have enjoyed the same chocolate bars, in the same quantity for about half that much money? This model helps illustrate the subject. There is how much of what kind of food you buy, and how much you pay for it. Proper management and one's entire family can eat like freakin' kings most of the days of their lives. The objective is always to increase money in one's possession, and food money is not different. One way to do this is to obtain free or very cheap cost food items, by reaping the bounty of nature. One can grow fruits or vegetables even in a tiny garden box in the yard (clearly marked so the others don't ruin the produce or plants.) Seeds don't cost very much and the produce is tasty when served as a side dish or part of a main course. One can fish safe waters or hunt game animals but then one must know how to handle the carcass and how to butcher and process it as food items. Small game (fish, birds and small animals) are usually best if one has no experience. The acquisition, handling, butchering and processing is much easier. But one principle concern of reaping nature's bounty is the risk of parasites. Vegetable gardens don't usually have this problem, especially if one used potting soil and did not use much insecticide. However, game animals (fish, birds and animals) are commonly the cause of parasite contamination. Know this subject well and how to avoid it. Animal husbandry is the best way (domestication). In any event, if hunting or fishing is basically out of the scene for you, some amount of gardening is certainly available. Even inner city apartment dwellers can make a simple garden box to grow a few vegetables inside their apartment with. And also it is to have houseplants growing in one's home too!! The point is that food money is increased by such actions. Otherwise, food money is simply what it is, a reasonable and necessary expenditure. As a simple objective, the goal is to have (more than) enough food money to pay for each round of meals per day. And to be able to eat well.
外食 Gaishoku Eating out
Eating out is a fact of life, and in certain forms of service, likely to occur more often. Any soldier, law enforcement officer or emergency technician must pay for his meals both in the line of duty and during the course of free time during his daily life. Being able to afford the rounds of meals and the various types of restaurants is essential. Since eating out is often a dining experience, it would be a shameful thing not to relax and enjoy it because of perceived monetary problems. It is actually very healthy to seek such dining experiences and to frequent certain ones as a regular customer. In fact, if you have been having either financial or personal troubles, it is quite advisable to go to such a restaurant for the dining experience and to relax for the meal. Technically, bars and taverns are also 'eating out' but they aren't often treated that way (and so the experience suffers for it – as shall you, if not.) Also, there's the subject of one's social and love life, restaurants, bars and taverns are often an integral part of both one's social life and love life.
物品の購入 Buppin No Kōnyū Purchasing of goods
Goods and objects which one buys and enters (into his possessions). Any person, whether as an individual in society or whilst serving as a soldier, law enforcement officer or emergency technician must make the purchase of certain necessary goods and supplies. This is true both in regard to the conduct of one's line of duty and during the course of one's daily life and household affairs. In budo, it is taught from the historical record that certain items and goods were held in common as possessions of the men of the warrior classes and later soldier classes. Some of the more important of these items have been listed below as a relevant example of items that you yourself should acquire. These are items and goods which one would reasonably expect to find in the possession of budoka, and of most any soldier, law enforcement officer or emergency technician. I remind you that the list comes from historical listed examples reinterpreted into modern era materials.
保存食 Hozonshoku Preserved Foods
Listed first due to the importance of feeding oneself and one's household members. Preserved foods refers to the custom of stock-piling foods and supplies. In the modern era it includes canned goods (this was originally a means of preserving food items for safe storage), dried goods, preserved meats and etc. The object is to have quite a surplus of food and supplies in one's possession at all times. It is easier to live from a stock-pile of food and supplies than to make purchase of goods and objects upon-immediate-necessity. In the end, it actually proves cheaper to live this way as well, since having a stock pile of food and supplies means that one need not spend money on these in the immediacy (thus freeing up the funds for use in other areas of life.)
装備品 Sōbihin Gear and Clothing
Clothing and gear here refers to common articles of clothing and to various items one needs in order to perform his duties or functions, and to operate his household by. Some of this stuff is listed below as an example of basic needs for the field, whereas other stuff one knows or learns of as he goes along. Any person, as an individual or as a soldier, law enforcement officer or emergency technician must purchase and have in his possession such items of clothing and gear as are required. And so it is essential to be able to afford the purchase and maintenance thereof.
着物 Kimono Clothing and attire
This refers to nicer items of clothing such as formal wear and casual dress for social functions and etc. It is extremely important to dress decently, proper clothing makes for a proper impression, if not then your social reputation will suffer and you will be seen as inferior to others. The clothing and attire includes certain items of accoutrement, such as belt and shoes, hat and etc. One item that some men overlook is their wallet. One's wallet is important as well, since people will frequently see it when you make purchases or pay bills.
羽織 Haori Coat (formal)
Formal and casual wear jackets and coats, for cold weather season. Various types include sportswear (hunting vests, parkas and etc), casual wear (long-coats, dusters and etc). One should select such articles of clothing, and coats, so that they match in both style and quality (otherwise one will look ridiculous wearing a fine coat over-top junk wear clothing.)
下駄 Geta Clogs
I don't normally explain the historical entry but this one bears mention. Geta are Japanese clog-sandals, the word actually means something quite close to “pack horse's hooves”. This is because the geta clogs were originally created and worn as protective footwear to help the Japanese protect their feet from rocks and bad terrain along the path walked. Clogs in general (European type) existed for a comparable purpose: foot protection. Anyone who has ever lived in the vicinity of rocky ground understands why people would have wanted such protective footwear. Hence the entry refers to protective footwear, such as boots and shoe covers.
傘 Kasa Umbrella
Basic umbrella(s) for protection from the rain and as sun blocks.
扇子 Sensu Fan
I guess today this would refer to electric fans and even to air conditioners, climate control for summer time.
火打ち石 Hiuchi'ishi Flint
This can be understood as anything from cigarette lighters to flint strikers for a welding torch.
蝋燭 Rosoku Candles
Indoor lighting, including flashlights and candles for emergency usage.
提灯 Chōchin Paper lanterns
Outdoor lighting, for both usual and emergency purposes.
油 Abura Oil
Fuel oil for heaters, lanterns and etc.
縄 Nawa Rope
Various lengths and types of rope and cording for a variety of purposes.
携帯用の筆と硯 Haitaiyō No Hitsutoken Portable Pen and inkstone
Modern equivalent would be various forms of clip-boards, stationary and portable writing kits as needed for making records.
本 Hon Books
Various educational and technical books relevant to one's field and interests (one can tell much by the personal library a person owns.)
新聞 Shinbun Newspapers
Common variety and also specialized newspapers for the purpose of staying informed on things.
薬箱 Kusuribako Medicine cabinet
Household cabinet for medical purposes and common hygienic considerations.
治療道具 Chiryō Dōgu First aid equipment
Standard and advanced first aid kits both for household and vehicle.
毒消しと傷薬 Dokuhashi To Kizugusuri Antidotes and ointments
medical supplies for various needs, including baby needs and female hygiene.
[entry omitted] not kanji [entry omitted]
Surprising entries, substances illegal today but at one time common medical goods used for killing pain and/or increasing one's attention.
埃眼鏡 Hakori Gankyo Eyeglass cleaning dust
Maintenance products for eye glasses and contact lenses.
双眼鏡 Sōgankyō Binoculars [field glasses]
Binoculars and monoculars (telescopes and etc) for the purpose of viewing things and places from a safe distance
工具入 Kōgu'ire Toolboxes
Tools and supplies for various needs, including household, automotive and any relevant professional implements.
石田散薬 Aburatoishi Oilstone
Various sharpening and filing stones for bladed implements.
鍵開け器 Kagiakeki Locksmithing tools
Keys, specialized keys and other forms of entry gear (some forms of these are usually associated with soldiers and law enforcement officers – modern laws forbid some forms of such implements, one needs to be cautious.)
武器 Buki Arms; weapons
Weapons of various sorts (including firearms) as required to defend self and property.
Surprising entries, substances illegal today but at one time common medical goods used for killing pain and/or increasing one's attention.
乗用馬 Jōyōba Horse drawn carriage [箱馬車 Hakobasha ]
This entry can still apply literally in some forms of rural communities. That's the only reason it was included (some communities, there are still mounted troops and horse drawn carriages or horse drawn equipment.)
乗用車 I-Jōyōsha Passenger vehicles
Various forms of automobiles (cars, trucks and vans) and any accompanying trailers or towing utensils as required to transport self, others, goods and property.
医者にかかる Issha ni kakaru Consulting a doctor
The subject of seeking medical advice or attention when required. Modern medical practices are ridiculously overpriced. Cultivate medical contacts and knowledge of your own to defray the necessary costs of medical attention. Know who the nurses are in your area and strike up friendships with them for the purpose of gaining free or low cost medical advice and attention. Seek medical training yourself. But when it's time to consult a physician, then you must do so. Never hesitate to seek medical attention, certainly so also on behalf of your child.
医術技能による治療 Ijutsu Ginō Niyoru Chiryō Rendering skilled medical treatment
This refers to both knowing what constitutes proper skilled medical treatment and to being able to render proper skilled medical treatment yourself (even if only First aid & CPR). By knowing what is proper medical treatment, you will know whether or not it is being rendered to you or your party (I have known parties to attempt to impose and force medications upon a person without there being any active medical diagnosis or even a medical prescription for the medication. Some authoritarian figures in society think that their post affords them judgment over such issues: they aren't doctors – half the time they aren't even medical personnel.)
薬物の使用 Yakubutsu No Shiyō Application of medicines
Again has dual meaning: to know what constitutes proper application of medicines so that you will know whether or not medicines are being applied correctly. And to know how to apply medications yourself. Knowing what kinds of medicines are used for what, and what things they are not used for.
休息による自然治癒 Kyūsoku Niyoru Shizenchiyu Recovery by rest and relaxation
Knowing when to seek this form of recovery and how to free oneself up to be able to do so. Knowing how to cause your mate or child to do so when such recovery is prescribed or needed. Knowing what one does for proper diet and activity during R&R. This sort of thing.
成長 Seichō Growth [to adulthood]
Being able to recognize and identify signs of youthful age and developmental stage of youthful growth. Knowing what is and is not safe to allow the young to be exposed to. Knowing how to handle the young and to interact with them. This for the purpose of being able to raise your own children and to handle children and the young during the course of your duties.
成熟期 Seijukuki Adolescent puberty
Being able to recognize and identify signs of adolescent age and development. Knowing what is and is not safe to allow the adolescent to be exposed to. Knowing how to handle adolescence and to interact with them. This for the purpose of being able to raise your own children and to handle adolescent children during the course of your duties. .
高度成長 Kōdo Seichō Advanced maturity
Being able to recognize and identify signs of advanced adolescence and young adulthood. Knowing what is and is not safe to allow these to be exposed to. Knowing how to handle and to interact with them. This for the purpose of being able to raise your own children and to handle such age groups during the course of your duties.
老熟 Rōjuku Mature ages
Being able to recognize and identify signs of being or entering advanced age [old age]. Knowing what is and is not safe to allow the middle aged and elderly to be exposed to. Knowing how to handle these and to interact with them. This for the purpose of being able to deal with your own approaching old age and to handle the aging during the course of your duties.
技能 Ginō Technical skill
Capacity and ability (to perform a thing) is called 'acquired skill'. Acquired skills are considered to be possessions in hand and so were included here. They are also a form of valuables and hence doubly belong here. Skill and ability is a foundational subject in budo and in the relevant vectors of society as well (and also in one's life.) After all, budo is all about having skills and knowledge pursuant to ability, don't you think? This part of budo lends itself very well to life and society in general, if only we will implement it. My pet peave is that few people seem to realize just how complete a system of conduct Budo actually is, and so they usually end up expressing some ridiculously limited idea as being what constitutes budo. Budo skills are like that too (misdefined into ridiculous limitations.) For example, everything on this web-page is nothing but pure budo. Even the writing of the thing was budo ('the pen and the sword are one'; 文武 monbu). From one perspective or another, all skills and abilities are relevant and integral to budo. It's all budo. Beyond this, the strict subject of skill and ability is a matter of their being valuable and useful. One must value his/her inherent strengths and abilities to accomplish or perform a thing, the result of valuing this is to seek training to learn new acquired skills and power. However, the capacity to use these newly acquired strengths is limited in value compared to the fine skills and abilities already possessed. The world has plenty of skills, which in deciding what of them to pursue may be specifically determined by their being useful for general activity, these are "general skills". Skills which can be obtained by special efforts are "special skills" and these can be divided into two categories as indicated below. General skill levels have each about six categories (from novice up to expert.) which denote one's degree of capacity. General skills are common occurrence skills, stuff that most people have some degree of proficiency at. Special skills, sometimes called 'specialized skills', are something that most people do not have any proficiency at. The sixth level of general skills is itself considered a special skill (a general skill that exists at proficiency levels so unusual that it can only be called a 'special skill'.) Special skills can be learned through education and apprenticeship, or they might be the bestowal of nature and inclination. In such case as by natural inclination, it is considered a violation not to pursue and perfect these skills for employment..Every field that exists in life has both sets of skills, general and specialized skills.
技能の修得 Ginō No Jūtoku No Koto The matter of acquisition of technical skill
The acquisition of skill is the capacity and ability by which to conduct oneself and profit thereby. It is an obligation to acquire and employ technical skill(s), every job and post whether as an individual in society or as a soldier, policeman or medical technician requires the use and application of technical skills. Even being a mortal person in life requires some degree of technical skills just in the act of living and making households work. Rearing children requires technical skills. Everything requires technical skills. It is mandatory to develop and pursue technical skills. It is obligatory to pursue education or further experience and increase one's skills. If one is a budoka, it is mandatory to develop base levels of skill (and knowledge) through which to conduct the acts of budo itself. If one is a soldier or policeman, it is mandatory that they develop and demonstrate certain base levels of skill and knowledge with which to perform the conduct of their post. Skills are a mandatory pursuit for both the sake of one's life and for the duties at hand in any given job or post.
一般技能 Ippon Ginō Ordinary technical skills
The singular line of capacity and ability with which we carry out our daily lives and work with. These are quite numerous and include all common skills with which the average person lives and works. These are said to have six categories of skill level, from novice to expert, with the sixth level being what constitutes a 'special(-ized) skill' due to degree of proficiency and effectiveness demonstrated. The five general skill levels correspond to each of the five elements (but which set of the five elements, the godai 五大or the gogyō 五行 ? Both actually, they represent separate systems of address, the subject (and any other relevant subject thus categorized) has both relevant systematic approaches.) In fact, the six categories correspond to the lesser known 六大 Rokudai the six elements (earth, water, fire, wind, void, and consciousness) with the sixth skill level (the 'specialized' skill level of general skills) corresponding to 'consciousness'. Most people operate in general skills at the 2nd or 3rd level of proficiency until they reach age 30-32 at which point they begin to exhibit elements of the 4th level of proficiency. Most people never reach the fifth level. This means that most people live and work at only 2nd - 3rd degree proficiency levels throughout the course of their lives until age 30-32 years old. There are an amazing number of people in the west, beneath age 27 years old that live and operate only at the 1st and 2nd skill levels of proficiency. This is true both in their lives and work. Knowing these things can help one to increase one's own degree of proficiency which is always advisable since the subject is of even the general skills of life itself by which we live as individuals in society. At this level, the subject of one's work and one's life itself are one and the same. What we do for a living is our life or at least a major vector of it. One that determines how well we live. If we have a post, paramilitary or emergency, and we live and operate only at the 2nd level of proficiency – either we will lose our job and position or we will remain at the lower end of the totem pole making little money and enjoying very little of life. 3 rd level of proficiency is generally the lowest level professionally acceptable skill level once we reach age 23 years old (unless the job or post is not very relevant.) One way to understand 'Ippon ginō' is to use different kanji and write it 一本 “one book” that is to say, only a little education, only a little knowledge and experience. Make it 二本 'nihon' and 三本 'sanbon'. Respectively, two books and three books of education and experience. Please understand that 'hon' means not only book but documentation (e.g., certificates of proficiency or completion from technical schools or whatever.) Did you know that there are technical courses that you can take which are 'daily life' skills such as household economics? Can you imagine what good might come if you were to spend a little money and go join a technical school for a course in household economics or other relevant 'daily life' subject? Did you know that you can find such courses for free on the intranet? Even with personal instruction via the email or by forum postings? Did you know that technical courses of all kinds are available on the intranet? Even for free? Whats YOUR excuse?
特殊技能 Tokushu Ginō Special technical skills
The particularly special capacity and ability (with which one may conduct in life or work.) Ususally the result of both natural aptitude and education. Wherein no aptitude was demonstrated, it can be developed through education and arduous pursuit, but it won't come as easily and the value of such skills is less than by both aptitude and education – until such time as one has years of hands on experience which overcomes the lack of aptitude.
経験点 Keikenten Mark of experience
The passing of the point of (skill) verification. Proved skill levels, two levels apparent (listed below). Proof is by either certification of recognized authorities or by general recognition of the public (having little or no contest there against.) Sometimes both (both is best – usually certification issued after long standing or relevant public recognition.)
追加経験点表 Tsuika Keikenten No Omote The outer mark of supplemental experience
The initial pursuit of additional (skill) verification. Proof of having moved beyond the fifth level of general skills, or having acquired skills which are not general skills. The initial or entry level of special(-ized) skills.
追加経験点裏 Tsuika Keikenten No Ura The inner mark of supplemental experience
The mid pursuit of additional (skill) verification. Mid pursuit (of the verification) because one is already on that course of conduct.. Proof of having moved beyond the entry level of special (-ized) skills. Mastery level, which itself has omote and ura levels (not unlike the Bachelor's degree and the Master's degree – but only by way of comparison since these are only educational and not experience certifications.)
All of this is true of any field or thing, and certainly budo itself. But budo suffers from a certain amount of fraudulent certifications, and in reality all fields do. Possession of documentation is not proof of actually having the particular degree or skill, in the face of an obvious lack of ability or expertise. Criterion for judgment of skill, experience and conduct (see part one of this web-page!! Judgment of conduct applies as well) changes from place to place and group to group. Strangely enough, fraudulent documentation or presentation of skill and experience has a tendency to become genuine once enough time has passed – this is because experience and skill were still acquired along the way. For this reason, as a historical common occurrence, Japanese budo (and American martial arts derived therefrom) actually have certain levels of acceptance for the fraudulence – most especially wherein it is obvious that genuine pursuit of skill and knowledge is extant. It is believed that these must live and have the means by which to live also and since there is some persistence leading to longevity in the claims and also evident pursuit of knowledge and skill, the practice and adherents thereto are recognized as being legitimate in some way (since time affords experience and etc.) DID YOU KNOW THIS? Many parties being badgered in our society are being badgered incorrectly under these guidelines. Similarly, our own society has this parameter in regard to business conduct – best known common examples are automotive mechanics, believe it or not.
The following items relevant to the entire subject of the web-page (the complete martial path) but having no particular context.
1 ) 所属 Shozoku Membership
A place or position of belonging. For budo purposes: please notice that the word is “shozoku” and recognize that a certain well know group of martial artists would recognize the word when written with different kanji. Now this entry will help explain even more the relevance of the term (those parties should pay attention and learn what is meant). But for the rest of us, it is a normal subject. Acquiring membership in something. A variety of associations and organizations to join. A variety of membership types available. Comradery and social interaction. Involvement leads to acquisition of experience and (increased) skills of proficiency which leads to recognition and reward. Not belonging is incorrect. Authenticity and genuineness are always couched in associative interactions. Inauthentic and ingenuine articles tend to be validated by associative belonging. Cross-membership increases authenticity and genuineness by exposure to others and by relevant increase of experience and skills of proficiency which leads to further recognition and reward. Several types of organizations and associations and several types of available cross membership. Sometimes some forms of membership are not voluntary (conscription into military service, public schooling, some forms of public citizenship and relevant responsibilities thereof.) Knowing when the involuntary membership and its responsibilities are genuine and legal, knowing when they are not, but there's nothing you can (legally) do about it. Knowing how to make even involuntary membership and its responsibilities work for you and how to gain benefit therefrom. You are already encountering it, you might as well profit from it!!
諸部門 Jōbumon Various departments
Various departments as doors of opportunity to enter. Possibilities include such as personnel department, labor department, finance department, supply department, investigations department and etc. Opportunities to enrich the rewards of membership and involvement (and hence enrich one's life.)
各種師範頭と各種師範 Kakushu-shihantō To Kakushu-shihan Every kind of chief instructor and every kind of instructor
Can be pronounced alternately “shihan-gashira” wasn't sure which was appropriate? Refers to available positions of instruction or (departmental) guidance and leadership. There are many fields and sub-fields as well as potential departments for which instruction or leadership of various types are needed. To be honest, if one can, new positions are available to be created by submission since there is usually room for growth in any organization (but issues of funding and etc come into play as well.) Never mention funding or financing, that's not appropriate, but if it's raised be ready to provide good info and means by which to cut costs and etc.
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Where does all this kind of material come from and why is it relevant to budo?
I hate these types of questions because the material is actually elementary level budo, and the sort of thing that all budoka are supposed to know. The history of martial arts and their traditions is such that the old warrior classes and soldier classes during the course of their lives and careers had to employ these basic levels of information all the time. It was the basic information needed to conduct one's life and post and as such it entered budo as the same. It is budo.
Mainstream fundamental budo. The listed items and terms are from historical records relevant to the origins of budo and Japanese paramilitary history. This is done to help codify the material and make it more appealing because otherwise it might get ignored. Some (parts) of the text of these individual entries is actually a translation of remarks from those very documents themselves (explanations of historical relevance to budo itself.)
The type of material on this page....WAS THE FIRST THING... my instructor handed me when I entered his school. I WAS 13 YEARS OLD.
IT WAS THE FIRST THING MY INSTRUCTOR HANDED ME (and he handed me a copy of stuff like this every few years just to reinforce it.)
THIS ISN'T KUNG-FU THEATRE.... it's your goddam life.
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