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The following is an amateur translation, for enjoyment only, of the website:

I've never seen many of these terms, not real sure how to render the kanji, did the best I could.

【 心形刀流諸目録 】


[ Heart Shaped Sword School Various Catalogs ]

大乱刀 Tairan-Tō   Rebellion Sword

虎乱刀  Koran-Tō  Tiger Rebellion Sword   

飛竜剣 Hiryū-Ken      Flying Dragon Sword  

丸橋刀 Gankyō-Tō      Round Bridge Sword  

丸橋裏刀   Gankyōri-Tō    Reverse Round Bridge Sword   

清眼刀 Seigan-Tō    Pure Eye Sword  (NOTE: (清眼) alt form of Seigan (正眼) 'straight eye') 

胎内刀  Tainai-Tō    Inner Womb Sword

陽重剣 Yōjōken   Heavy Yang sword (Intense light sword) 

三角切留  Sankaku Setsuryū (Sankaku giri-dome )    Triangular Cut Stopper  

発車刀 Hassha-Tō    Sword That Departs Like A Vehicle   

右剣足 Yūken-Soku (Yūken-Ashi)  Right Sword Foot

左剣足  Saken-Soku (Saken-Ashi)  Left Sword Foot  

陽勇剣  Yōyūken  Cheerful Sword

中道志破記  Chūdō Shihaki   Middle Of The Road-Intention To Break The Account  

膝車刀  Shitsusha-Tō (Hiza-Guruma-Tō)    Knee Wheel Sword

引疲  Inhi (Hikitsukare)  Drawn and Weary

同送  Dōsō    Sent At The Same Time (mutual send off)

八箇  Hakka   The Eight

中眼刀  Chūgan-Tō   Middle Eye Sword  

清眼刀  Seigan-Tō   Pure Eye Sword  

波切刀  Hasetsu-Tō (Namigiri-Tō )   Wave Cutting Sword  

切甲刀  Sekkō-tō (Kiri-Gabutō) Helmet Cutting Sword 

右旋刀  Yūsen-Tō   Rotating Rightward Sword   

左転刀  Saten-Tō   Left Turning Sword   

中道乱   Chūdōran   Battling In The Streets  

乱車刀   Ransha-Tō   Vehicle Disheveling Sword  [?] Battle Vehicle Sword [?]

(NOTE: “八箇Hakka, seems to be a reference to the 88 Temples related to the great Buddhist teacher Kobo Daishi.)

小太刀 ※   Kodachi    Short Sword

中住別剣  Chūjū Bekken    In-Dwelling Separating Sword  

清眼左足   Seigan Sasoku (Seigan Hidari Ashi)    Pure Eye Left Foot  

清眼右足  Seigan Yūsoku (Seigan Midari Ashi)    Pure Eye Left Foot  

両手切  Ryōte-giri    Cutting With Both Hands 

浦之波  Ura No Nami    Inlet Waves 

清明剣   Seimei-ken   Brilliant Light Sword

二刀 ※  Nitō    Two swords

向満子  Kōmanshi (? Muko Michiko ?)  Diverting Satisfaction

横満子  Ōmanshi   Side Satisfaction 

横満子残  Ōmanshizan   Remainder Of Side Satisfaction   

刀合切  Tōai-giri   Sword Meeting Cut 

相捲  Aimaki (Sagamaki)   Inter-Winding 

清眼破  Seigan-yaburi   Pure Eye Destroyer 

柳雪刀  Ryūsetsu-tō   Snow Willow Sword 

鷹之羽   Taka No Hane   Hawk's Wings

水月刀  Suigetsu-   Moon Water Sword   

三心刀  Sanshin-   Three Hearts Sword 

無拍子   Muhyōshi   Without Rythm

[ TEXTUAL NOTE IN ADDENDUM  8/28/2016 :  The webpage textual listings changed after the original date of posting back in 2008.
The above and below entries in BROWN FONT were added, further sub-listings of the school techniques (listings expanded). Also, there may
have been adjustments of these listings in the original document (as of 2008) that were OMMITTED in the later changes made by the Japanese
I had noticed some material ommissions and so I left the translation page as the original had been showing these listed items.

Otherwise, all textual alterations are placed in
BROWN FONT the text of this translation page. ]



[ Heart Shaped Sword School Catalogs ]

表組太刀六本 ※   Hyōso Daitō Roppon   Outer Braid Long Sword Six Items

華車刀  Kasha-Tō   Flower Wheel Sword 

中合刀  Chūai-Tō ( naka'awase-tō )   In-The-Midst Sword 

中道剣  Chūdōken   Middle Of The Road Sword 

陰合刀  Ingō-Tō (In'ai-Tō, or,  Kage-Ai-Gatana )   Shadow Meeting Sword 

ボウ捨刀  Bōsha-Tō  (Bō Zute-Gatana)   Staff Discarding Sword ( 'Bōsha-tō' is also sort of like saying 'the sword that defends my home' )  

合捨刀  Gōsha-Tō    (Gō Zute-Tō, or, Aizute-Gatana)   Discarding Sword

捨輪刀  Sharin-Tō   Wheel Discard Sword


直和刀  Choku'wattō   True Peace Sword


獅子乱刀  Shishi Rantō   Lion Battle Sword   

虎尾剣  Tora No O Ken    Tiger's Hair Sword 

陰捨刀  Insha-Tō  (Kage Zute Gatana)  Shadow Discarding Sword


陽知刀  Yōchi-Tō    Wisdom Light Sword  

捲撃刀  Kengeki-Tō    Winding Battle Sword

陽見刀  Yōken-Tō    Sunlight Seeing Sword


捨発刀  Shabatsu-Tō    Abandonment Sword 

陽遊剣  Yōyu-Ken    Playing Sunlight Sword 

別車刀   Bessha- Tō   Wheel Separating Sword

破先刀   Hasen-tō    Coming Defeat Sword

清眼刀  Seigan-tō    Pure Eye Sword

中道乱   Chūdōran    Battling In The Streets 

三陰三陽合而六ケ條    Sanin Sanyō Goshirojjō    3 Shadows 3 Lights 6 Rays Raking

水月刀  Suigetsu-Tō    Moon Water Sword

中道下り藤  Chūdō Kudarifuji    Low Wisteria Along The Path

剣忍誠  Ken Ninsei    Sword of Admonishment

杖威刀  Jōi-Tō    Staff Of Majesty Sword

飛竜剣  Hiryū-Ken    Flying Dragon Sword 

竜車刀  Ryūsha-    Dragon Wheel Sword

一子不伝三ツ太刀   Isshi Fuden (or, Futsute) Mitsu Daitō    The Three Traditions of the  Long Sword
  雷心刀   Raishin-    Thunder Heart Sword
  風心刀   Fūshin-Tō    Wind Heart Sword
  無一剣   Mu Ikken    Dragon Wheel Sword

 平心刀   Heishin-Tō    Level Heart Sword


Sono Shi Shingyōtō-ryu Iai-gata Mei

The Four Heart Shaped Sword Drawing Sword Pattern Names


表六ヶ条  Omote Rojjō   Outer Six Items

・向覃中刀 (コウタンチュウトウ)  Kōtan Chūtō    In-The-Rift Sword

・逆覃中刀 (ギャクタンチュウトウ)  Gyakutan Chūtō    Reverse In-The-Rift Sword

・左小肘刀 (ヒダリショウチュウトウ)  Hidari Shōchūtō    Left Elbow Sword

・右小肘刀 (ミギショウチュウトウ)  Migi Shōchūtō    Right Elbow Sword

・後腰車刀 (ウシロヨウシャトウ)  Ushiro Yōsha-Tō    Rear Hip Wheel Sword

・一貫刀 (イッカントウ)  Ikkan-Tō    Sword of Penetrating Consistency


裏六ヶ条・前肩井刀 (マエケンセイトウ)  Ura RojjōMae Kensei-Tō    Inner Six Items Front Shoulder Well Sword

 ・ 前肩井刀   Mae Kensei-Tō    Front Shoulder Well Sword

・逆肩井刀 (ギャクケンセイトウ)  Gyaku Kensei-Tō    Reverse Shoulder Well Sword

・左撞留刀 (ヒダリツキトメトウ)  Hidari Tsukitome-Tō     Left Thrust Stopping Sword

・右逆車刀 (ミギギャクシャトウ)  Migi Gyaku Sha-Tō    Right reverse Wheel Sword

・後肩留刀 (ウシロカタトメトウ)  Ushiro Katatome-Tō    Rear Shoulder Stopping Sword

・燕飛刀 (エンピトウ)  Enpi-Tō    Flying Swallow Sword


座附 (ザツキ) Zatsuki (alt, Suwarizuke )   Seated

柄取 (ツカドリ) Tsukadori   Hilt Capture

[ TEXTUAL NOTE IN ADDENDUM  8/28/2016 :  The webpage textual listings changed after the original date of posting back in 2008. The above two entries (now) in DARK PURPLE were ommitted in the new version of the page (reason unknown?) The entries above and below in BROWN FONT were added, further sub-listings of the school techniques (listings expanded). Also, the above listings in the original document (as of 2008) were considered important enough to have included KANA pronounciation guides per technique. The new version of the page ommitted these KANA pronounciation quides entirely. I left the translation page as the original had been showing the guides. Otherwise, I altered the text of this translation page and placed this note to explain. ]

◎立合五箇条    Tachiai-Gokajō     Standing Five Items
 ・向詰 ※該当する漢字ないため代用   Muko-Zume    Front Pressting    ※ In accordance with the substitution of pronouncing the kanji 
 ・左剣    Sa-Ken  (Hidari Ken)    Left Sword
 ・右剣    U-Ken  (Migi Ken)    Right Sword
 ・車剣    Shaken  (Kuruma Ken)    Wheel Sword
 ・輪剣    Rin ken  (Wa Ken)    Ring Sword

◎仕合掛  Shiai-Gake   Taking The Bouts
 ・陽抜剣  Yō-Bakken   'Yang' (or, Daylight) Drawn Sword
 ・陰抜剣  In-Bakken    'Yin' (or, Moonlight) Drawn Sword
 ・中住剣  Chūjū-Ken    'In-Dwelling' Sword
 ・虎乱入  Koran-Nyū    Entering The Tiger Melee
 ・馬上抜  Bajō-Nuke   Drawing [the Sword] On Horseback
 ・枕刀  Chintō (Makura-Tō; or, Makura Gatana)   Pillow Sword

◎小太刀  Kodachi   Short Sword
 ・柳雪刀  Ryūsetsu-Tō   Snow Wllow Sword
 ・両手切  Ryōte Kiri   Both Hands Cutting
 ・向詰掛  Muko Zume Gake   Front Press Hooking
 ・左転刀  Saten-Tō  (Hidari Koroke Gatana)   Left Turning Sword
 ・右旋刀  Uten-Tō  (Hidari Koroke Gatana)   Right Turning Sword
 ・無刀捕  Muto Dori   No Sword Capture

◎一子相伝  Isshi Sōden   The Transmission of the Secrets of the Art

◎一子不伝  Isshi Fuden (Isshi Futsute)   The Transmission Without Transmission


Sono Go Shingyōtō Ryu Jujutsu Kata Mei

The Five Heart Shaped Sword Jujutsu Pattern Names



[ Shingyōtō Ryu Jujutsu Mokuroku ]

[ Heart Shaped Sword Jujutsu Catalog ]

柄捕坐付   Tsuka-dori Zatsuki ( Tsukadori Suwarizuke )    Hilt Capture Seated  

左小手返  Hidari Kote Gaeshi    Left Wrist Counter

右小手返  Migi Kote Gaeshi    Right Wrist Counter

足詰  Ashizume    Pressed In Close

小胯返  [?] Komata Gaeshi [?]   Crotch Counter

鐺返   Kojiri Gaeshi    Scabbard Tip Counter

變化   Henka    Alternate

縁取返  [?] Heridori Gaeshi [?]    Border Capture Counter

順逆返  [?] Oya Gyaku Gaeshi [?]    Rule Reversal Counter

後柄取   Ushiro Tsuka Dori    Rear Hilt Capture

胸取小手返  Munedori Kotegaeshi    Chest Capture Wrist Counter  

大小柄取   Ōkodzuka Dori (? Daisho Tsuka Dori ?)    [?] Great Kodzuka Knife Capture / [?] / (Twin Swords Hilt Capture) [?] either possible not sure

(   )  ( 月に害 )   Getsu Ni Gai /?/ Katsu Ni Gai [?]    Injury Under The Moon /?/ Injury Under Moonlight [?]

坐付  Zatsuki ( suwarizuke )    Seated 

肱枕  Hiji Makura    Elbow Pillow 

胸取  Muna Dori    Chest Capture 

向詰  Muko Zume    Pressing To The Other Side

後詰  Ushiro Zume    Rear Pressing

両手取  Ryōte Dori    Both Hands Capture

奏者取   Sōsha Dori    Player Capture

向こう   Mukō    Other Side

立合  Tachiai    Charging-In

七里引  [?] Sichi Zatobiki [?]    [?] Pulling-In Seven Villagers [?]

行逢  Iki Chigai    Misunderstanding

行連  [?] Iki Mukashi [?]    Carrying Along

廻取  Mawashi Dori    Turning Capture

小手返  Kote Gaeshi    Wrist Counter

天狗倒  Tengu Daoshi    Goblin Throwdown 

滝落  Taki Otoshi    Waterfall Drop

負投  Seoi Nage    Hoisting Throw

一指取   Isshi Dori    Finger Capture

中段 Chūdan    Mid Level

袖取  Sode Dori   Sleeve Capture 

二人詰 Ninin Zume    Two Man Press

坐着取方開  Zadzuke Dori Katabira(ki)    Seated Capture Thru The Opening 

立合取方開   Tachiai Dori Katabira(ki)     Charging-In Capture Thru The Opening

小具足  Kogusoku    Kogusoku Knife ( name of knife actually means “small foot tool” refers to the knife's usage among foot-soldiers. )

手挾  Te Basami    Hand Scissors

突留   Tsuki Dome    Thrust Stopper  

撃留  Uchi Dome    Strike Stopper 

胸刀  Kyōtō [?]    Breast Sword

前後詰  Zengo Zume    Pressing Throughout

行違  Ikichigai    Misunderstanding

添捕  Ten Dori (? soe/ moe dori ? )    Meeting Capture   (! compare to Ten dori/Ten gaeshi in our SYR and in such as Kukishinden and etc !!)

六具取  [?] Roggu Dori [?]    Capture by Six Tools   

上意取  Jōi Dori    Capture By Imperial Decree

一子相伝  Ichiji Sōden [?]    Single line of inheritance / Single character inheritance [?]

九重之位   Kokonoe No Kurai    Ninefold Powerful Position; a position at the imperial palace; a Position at the Court


Sume / Zume ( ) “push or press in (compress in); stuff in or down” but the usage in most of these Budo terms seems to carry the meaning “judgment”or more precisely “[? thing or techniques ?] used as the sole means of judgment” having the same force of meaning that we use in English when we say (combatively) that the opponent was judged and found lacking. Hence the kata 'Zengo zume' means “Judging throughout; judging the entire context; judging his actions before and after” for example. Another example (of the implied meaning of these kata names): 'Ninin zume' “judging two persons; judging between two persons or parties” And also 'Muko zume' “judging the other side [of the thing]”

Chūdōran “Battling in the streets” and other usages of 'Chūdō' ( “Middle of the street / road” ) especially 'Chūdō Shihaki' ( “Middle of road-intention to break the account” ) The mokuroku contains many such references that apparently refer to either public battles (with the sword, i.e.; dueling) or as teaching entries to address the path and course of engagement (managing a combative situation.) That is exactly what 'Chūdō Shihaki' seems to imply: situational management, the express purpose of preventing the development of a victory or other damaging account (public record or otherwise). One can understand why a swordsmanship school might be interested in protecting its reputation and teaching a swordsman to do likewise for himself – avoid troublesome legal reputations, avoid a reputation for ineffective technique or strategy, etc etc.

Comments on the technical structure presented: The first entry group of this document [ is untitled and ] diverges from the standard kata material one might otherwise have expected, proceeding to list the following items:

Chūdō Shihaki Middle of road-intention to break the account, Shitsusha-tō (Hiza-guruma-tō) Knee wheel sword, Inhi (hikitsukare) Drawn and weary, Dōsō Sent at the same time (mutual send off) ” it is as if to suggest a change in direction of intent, as if one had been engaging in public dueling or some other function of actual engagement. The kata sequence itself was probably meant to map out what to expect and how to handle actual engagements, whether as the old custom of public duels or as other combative engagement. The potential meaning of 'Chūdō Shihaki' was addressed in the notes above, but the entire ending sequence of the mokuroku kata group has rather clear implications: “Break the account of his/their victory by defeating them yourself, bringing him to his knees in defeat. The engagement being lengthily you may be drawn and weary but the send off will be mutual.” Mutual send off in such a context refers to parting company (each to their own course) I'd say that this school endeavors to teach the old customs of dueling and sword engagement ... the rest of the technical content demonstrates some number of likely teaching entries that are meant to address actual fencing situations. The final entry of the mokuroku presented demonstrates this most fully: Ichiji Sōden [?] Single line of inheritance / Single character inheritance [?] Kokonoe No Kurai Ninefold powerful position; a position at the imperial palace; a Position at the Court This implies that the singular line of intent [ Ichiji soden; the primary purpose] of learning and wielding the sword is to gain the Ninefold powerful position: governmental authority.