This is an amateur translation of the all-Japanese website:
Logan Weymouth Addendum dated November 16, 2008
無双神伝英信流抜刀兵法 澁川一流柔術 道標 Muso Shinden Eishin Ryu Battō Heihō Shibukawa Ichi Ryu Jujutsu Dōhyō Shibukawa ichi ryu (reluctant river first-class school), Jujutsu Guide
1.渋川一流柔術の形の特徴 1. Features of the Jujutsu Kata of the Shibukawa ichi ryu (reluctant river first-class school)
2.柔術 渋川一流 目録 渋川一流柔術の形の特徴 2. Jujutsu of the Shibukawa ichi ryu (reluctant river first-class school) Catalog of the Features of the Jujutsu Kata of the Shibukawa ichi ryu (reluctant river first-class school)
渋川一流柔術の形は、素手と素手、素手と剣術など徒手空拳で自己の身を守る術技と棒術(短棒・三尺棒・ The Kata Forms of Shibukawa ichi ryu (reluctant river first-class
school) jujutsu consists of technique which protects oneself and body
using weapons,
また、形は相手の仕掛けの方法によってグループ分けされており、初めに習う履形の三十五本の形が全ての形の基本となっています。 Moreover, the group division of the Forms are carried out by the
method of setting up with a partner in group, to begin with 35 forms
形は飾り気がなく、素朴で単純な動きで相手を制するようにくみたてられています。 Forms are not shown off [or can also mean: “not carried out fully”] , simplicity and simple motion so that the partner/opponent may be controlled.
形の稽古のほかに、鍛錬方として棒抜けや枕引きなども伝えられており、柔道の乱取りに相当する意治(地)稽古も伝えられています。 Besides Formal Patterns [ Kata no keikō, Alt form of “Kata geiko”], staff drawing, pillow draw out [name of a technique or method] and etc are taught as a method of training, and the (ground) exercises equivalent to the Free form exercises [Randori] of Judo is also taught.
柔術 渋川一流 目録 Jujutsu Shibukawa Ichi Ryu Mokuroku
履形 (中段・下段を突いてくるのを制す形) Kutsugata Shodding Forms (Form which Controls by Poking the Middle and the Lower Berth) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 負投 裏投 Oi Nage Ura Nage Hoisting throw Rear throw 巻返 柔投 Maki Gaeshi Yawa(ra) Nage Winding counter Yielding throw 返投 捻付 Hen Nage Nejitsuke Throwing back Pinching-out 腰投 抗止 Koshi Nage Kue Dome Hip throw Rival stopper 潜投 切込 Kuguri Nage Kirikomi Immersion throw Cutting-in 蹴込 浪人捕 Kerikomi Ronin Dori Kicking-in Ronin (Masterless Samuraii) capture 足裏 返り投 Ashi Ura Kayari Nage Sole-of-the-foot Returning throw 返返 絞り Hen Gaeshi Shibori Repeatedly Pressing 掻込 眼潰 Kaikomi Gan Tsubushi Raking-in (Carrying under the arm) Sight destroyer 呼吸投 蹴投 Kokyū Nage Keri Nage Breath/Trick throw Kicking Out 切落 蹴落 Kiri Otoshi Keri Otoshi Lopping off Kick down 組落 潜返 Kumi Otoshi Kuguri Gaeshi Grappling drop Immersion counter 頭捕 当捕 Kashira Dori Atari Dori Head capture Striking a blow 小車 前車 Ko Guruma Mae Guruma Small wheel Front wheel (¡Automobile Terms!) 当返 当投 Atari Gaeshi Atari Nage Counterattack Strike down 捻捕 引込 Neji Dori Hikikomi Twisting capture Drawing-in 投込 腰投 Nagekomi Koshi Nage Throwing-in(to) Hip throw 地捕 Ji Dori Taking ground 吉掛 (肩を突き押してくるのを制す形) Kikkake Hooking Luck / ? / Getting Luck (Form which Controls by Poking and Pushing the Shoulder) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 負投 裏投 Oi Nage Ura Nage Hoisting throw Rear throw 返投 捻付 Hen Nage Nejitsuke Throwing back Pinching-out 落投 掻込 Otoshi Nage Kaikomi Throwing down Raking-in 絞り 巻返 Shibori Maki Gaeshi Pressing Winding counter 裏返 呼吸投 Ura Gaeshi Kokyū Nage Rear counter Breath/Trick throw 腰投 平押 Koshi nage Hira Osae Hip throw Pressing flat 平打 掻込 Hira Uchi Kaikomi Knocking flat Raking-in 眼潰 投込 Gan Tsubushi Nagekomi Sight destroyer Throwing-in(to) 当投 当捕 Atari Nage Atari Dori Strike down Striking a blow 切込 蹴込 Kirikomi Kerikomi Cutting-in Kicking-in 裏捕 裏返 Ura Dori Ura Gaeshi Rear capture Inner counter 返返 柔返 Hen Gaeshi Yawara Gaeshi Repeatedly Yielding counter 組落 Kumi Otoshi Grappling drop
込入 (両手で胸襟を掴み押すのを制す形) Komi’iri Advancing (Form which Controls by Holding and Pushing the Bosom with Both Hands) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 擔投 返投 Katsugi Nage Hen Nage Carrying throw Throwing back 裏投 巻返 Ura Nage Maki Gaeshi Rear throw Winding counter 柔投 突込 Yawara Nage Tsukkomi Yielding throw Thrusting-in 摩込 掻込 Surikomi Kaikomi Grinding-in Raking-in 左右捻付 十文字 Sayu-Nejitsuke Jumonji Left-right pinching-out Cross shaped 組落 眼潰 Kumi Otoshi Gan Tsubushi Grappling drop Sight destroyer 裏返 投込 Ura Gaeshi Nagekomi Rear counter Throwing-in(to) 切落 蹴投 Kiri Otoshi Keri Nage Lopping off drop Kicking-out 当投 投落 Atari Nage Nage Otoshi Strike down Throwing down 当捕 裏捕 Atari Dori Ura Dori Striking a blow Rear capture 投手 片手投 Nagete Katate Nage Throwing hand Single hand throw 下り捕 違捕 Sagari Dori Chigai Dori Falling capture Changing capture 頭捕 丸身 Kashira Dori Maromi Head capture Round body (i.e.; Unarmed) 平打 平押 Hira Uchi Hira Osae Flat strike flat Immobilization 柔打 当捕 Yawara uchi Atari Dori Yielding strike Striking a blow 肱捕 落 Hiji Dori Seri Otoshi Elbow capture Dropping 脛巻 当投 Sunemaki Ate Nage Leg winder Strike down 当投 当投 Atari Nage Atari Nage Strike down Strike down 当投 Atari Nage Strike down
打込 (懐剣で上段より打ち込むのを制す形) Uchikomi Striking-in (The Form which Controls by Kaiken dagger Thrusting-in against the Upper Level) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 負投 裏投 Oi Nage Ura Nage Hoisting Throw Rear Throw 返投 捻付 Kaeshi Nage Jōtsuke(?) / Hineritsuke(?) Throwing Back Pinching Out 返捕 腰投 Kaeshi Dori Koshi Nage Counter Capture Hip Throw 呼吸投 当投 Kokyū Nage Ate Nage Breath/Trick Throw Strike Down 巻返 肱返 Maki Gaeshi Hiji Gaeshi Winding Counter Elbow Counter 裏返 捕込 Ura Gaeshi Dorikomi Rear Counter Catching 膝捕 掻込 Hiza Dori Kakikomi Knee Capture Raking-in 柔攻 襟捕 Yawara(ka(i)kō Eri Dori Easy Work Collar Capture 抗止 絞り Kō Dome Shimeri Rival stopper 足裏 懐剣捕 Ashi Ura Kaiken Dori Sole-of-Foot Dagger Capture 地捕 当投 Chidori Ate Nage Taking Ground Strike Down 当投 当打 Ate Nage Ate Uchi Strike Down Striking 両懐剣 (両手の懐剣で打ち込むのを制す形) Ryo Kaiken Both Daggers (The Form which Controls by Striking-in Both Hands on the Kaiken Dagger) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 柔落 頭捕 Yawa(ra) Otoshi Tōdori Yielding Drop Head Capture 負投 突込 Oi Nage Tsukikomi Hoisting Throw Striking-in
互棒 (懐剣で打ち込むのを短棒で制す形) ※短棒は一尺六寸位 Gōbō Staff Meeting (Form which Controls by Striking-in Kaiken Dagger against a Tanbō short stick ) ※ As for Tanbō short stick, at least one Shaku 6 Sun (i.e.; One foot, 6 inches.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 甲捕 拂捕 Kō Dori Harai Dori Armor Capture Sweep Away Capture 上段捕 潜捕 Jōdan Dori Moguri Dori Upper Level Capture Immersion Capture 蹴込 睾被 Kerikomi Kōhi/Kōkaburi Kicking-in Putting it into the Testicles 突込 Tsukikomi Thrusting-in
四留 (両手で両手首を握り押すのを制す形) Shi Dome Four Stoppers (The Form which Controls by Grasping and Pushing Both Wrists with Both Hands.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 開捕 返投 Hira(ki?) Dori Kaeshi Nage Opening Capture Throwing Back 小車 前車 Kosha Zensha Small Wheel Front Wheel (¡Automobile Terms!) 絞捕 蹴投 Shime Dori Keri Nage Strangling Capture Kicking Out 二人捕 返り投 Ninnin Dori Kaeri Nage Two Man Capture Throwing Back 巻捕 巻返 Maki Dori Maki Gaeshi Winding Capture Winding Counter 蹴込 伏せ捕 Kerikomi Fuse Dori Kicking-in Laying-out-flat Capture 三人捕 四人捕 Sannin Dori Yonnin Dori Three Man Capture Four Man Capture
拳匪 (両手で合掌する手首を掴むのを制す形) Kenhi/Kobushi Katami Bandit Fist/Negation Fist (Form which Controls by Holding the Wrists, Palms Together with Both Hands) [refers to the common way a bandit or ruffian restrains the victim palms together] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 巻返 十文字 Maki Gaeshi Jumonji Winding Counter Cross Form 返投 返捕 Kaeshi Nage Kaeshi Dori Throwing Back Counter Capture 柔捕 蹴投 Yawa(ra) Dori Keri Nage Yielding Capture Kicking Out 当返 Ate Gaeshi Counterattack
枠型 (両手で右手を掴み引くのを制す形) Wakugata Framework Patterns (Form which Controls by Holding and Pulling the Right Hand with Both Hands) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 蹴込 裏返 Kerikomi Ura Gaeshi Kicking-in Rear Counter 負投 潜投 Oi Nage Moguri Nage Hoisting Throw Immersion Throw 蹴投 巻返 Keri Nage Maki Gaeshi Kicking Out Winding Counter 絞捕 足裏 Shime Dori Ashi Ura Strangling Capture Sole-of-the-Foot 腰投 Koshi Nage Hip Throw
引違 (四つに組み押してくるのを制す形) Hiki Chigae Pulling Out (Form which Controls by Grappling and Pushing) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 小車 前車 Kosha Zensha Small Wheel Front Wheel (¡Automobile Terms!) 帯捕 捻付 Obi Dori Hineritsuke Belt Capture Pinching Out 前車 Zensha Front Wheel
袖捕 (両手で両袖を掴むのを制す形) Sode Dori Sleeve Capturing (Form which Controls by Holding Both Sleeves with Both Hands) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 眼潰 誘捕 Gan Tsubushi Ijinai Dori Sight Destroyer Inviting Capture
二重突 (両手で前帯を掴み押すのを制す形) Nijū Tsuki Double Thrust (Form which Controls by Holding and Pushing the Front Belt with Both Hands) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 裏返 裏投 Ura Gaeshi Ura Nage Rear Counter Rear Throw 両閂 掻込 Ryo Kanmeki Kakikomi Both Bolts Raking-in (Carrying under the arm) 柔落 切落 Yawa(ra) Otoshi Kiri Otoshi Yielding Drop Lopping Off 切込 摩込 Kirikomi Surikomi Kicking-in Grinding-in 頭投 後抱 Tō Nage Ushiro Kakae Head Throw Rear Hug 返捕 当捕 Kaeshi Dori Ate Dori Counter Capture Strike Capture 返返 裏捕 Kaesukaesu Ura Dori Repeatedly Rear Capture
一重突 (右手で前帯を掴み押すのを制す形) Hitoe Tsuki Single Thrust (Form which Controls by Holding and Pushing the Front Belt with the Right Hand) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 擔投 巻返 (?)Katsugi/Ninai(?) Nage Maki Gaeshi Carrying throw Winding counter 片閂 柔返 Kata Kanmeki Yawara Gaeshi Single bolt Yielding counter 裏捻 切込 Ura Nejiru/Hineri Kirikomi Inner wringing Cutting-in 捻付 眼潰 Hineritsuke Gan Tsubushi Pinching-out Sight destroyer 返投 裏投 Kaeshi Nage Ura Nage Throwing back Rear throw
片胸側 (右手で胸襟を掴み押すのを制す形) Kata Muna Gawa Side of a Single Breast (Form which Controls by Holding and Pushing the Bosom with the Right Hand) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 負投 返返 Oi Nage Kaesukaesu Hoisting Throw Repeatedly 絞返 柔投 Shime Gaeshi Yawa(ra) Nage Strangling Counter Yielding Throw 蹴込 上段捕 Kerikomi Jōdan Dori Kicking-in Upper Level Capture 中段捕 下段捕 Chudan Dori Gedan Dori Mid Level Capture Low Level Capture 眼捕 膽潰 Manako Dori/Gan Dori Kimo Tsubushi Sight Capture Bladder/Courage Destroyer 呼吸投 Kokyu Nage Breath/Trick Throw
壁沿 (胸襟を掴み壁に押すのを制す形) Heki’en/Hekizoi/Kabezoi “Along the Wall” (Form which Controls by Holding the Bosom and Pushing against a Wall) [i.e.; ‘Back to the Wall’] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------込 裏返 Semaikomi(?) Ura Gaeshi Forcing-in Rear Counter 返返 捻付 Kaesukaesu Hineritsuke Repeatedly Pinching Out 蹴込 引込 Kerikomi Hikikomi Kicking-in Drawing-in 当返 髻捕 Ate Gaeshi Motodori/Ta(ki)fusa/Mizura Dori Counterattack Hair Knot Capture 巻返 膽潰 Maki Gaeshi Kimo Tsubushi Winding Counter Bladder/Courage Destroyer 〆込 足裏 Shimekomi Ashi Ura Constricting Sole-of-Foot
睾被 (馬乗りになるのを制す形) Kōhi/Kōkaburi Putting it into the Testicles (Form which Controls by Becoming a [Horseback] Rider) [i.e.; Using his testicles as if the Reigns of a Horse] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------返捕 乗攻 Kaeshi Dori Jūkō Counter Capture Severe Attack 巻返 蹴込 Maki Gaeshi Kerikomi Winding Counter Kicking-in 足裏 返返 Ashi Ura Kaesukaesu Sole-of-the-Foot Repeatedly 籠打 〆込 Kago Uchi Shimekomi Basket Strike Constricting-in 血ノ珠 裏返 Ketsu No Tama Ura Gaeshi Testicle Blood Rear Counter 頷打 返投 Unazuku/Ago Uchi Kaeshi Nage Nodding Strike Throwing Back
上抱 (後方より抱きつくのを制す形) Johō/Jo Kakae Upper Embrace (Form which Controls by Clinging from the Back) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 擔投 羽合攻 (?)Katsugi/Ninai(?) Nage Ugōkō Carrying Throw Wing-Meeting Attack 頭投 柔投 Tō Nage Yawara Nage Head Throw Yielding Throw 籠打 下段捕 Kago Uchi Gedan Dori Basket Strike Lower Level Capture 前抱 後抱 Mae Kakae Ushiro Kakae Front Hug Rear Hug 当抱 下抱 Ate Kakae Shimo Kakae Striking Hug Lower Hug 当投 前三枚 Ate Nage Mae Sammai Striking Throw Front Fillet 下段落 中段捕 Gedan Otoshi Chudan Otoshi Lower Level Drop Middle Level Drop
裏襟 (後方より裏襟を引くのを制す形) Ura’eri Lining of the Neckband (Form which Controls by Pulling at the Back of the Collar from Behind) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 裏返 返返 Ura Gaeshi Kaesukaesu Inner Counter Repeatedly 巻返 柔返 Maki Gaeshi Yawara Gaeshi Winding Counter Yeilding Counter 当返 呼吸投 Ate Gaeshi Kokyū Nage Counterattack Breath Throw 切落 Kiri Otoshi Lopping Off
御膳捕 (並座して右手で左膝を押さえるのを制す形) Gozen Dori Capturing at a Prepared Table
(Form which Controls by Sitting-in-rows and Pressing Down the Left
Knee with the Right Hand) 擔攻 浪人捕 Tankō Rōnin Dori Carrying Attack 'Masterless Samurai' Capture 捻込 裏返 (?)Nejirikomi/ Hinerikomi(?) Ura Gaeshi Wringing-in Rear Counter 宙捕 返返 Chō dori/ Yu dori Kaesukaesu Mid Air Capture Repeatedly 捻付 空海攻 (?)Jōtsuke/ Hineritsuke(?) Kūkaikō Pinching-in Sea and Sky Attack 柔捕 引込 Yawara Dori Hikikomi Yielding Capture Drawing-in
(対座して懐剣で打ち込むのを制す形) (Form which Controls by Striking with Kaiken Dagger While Sitting Face to Face) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 掻込 眼潰 Kakikomi Gan Tsubushi Raking-in Sight Destroyer 虎押 鶴之巣籠 Kojin Sugomori No Zduro Tiger-God Crane's Nest 絞り 抗止 Shimeri Kōshi Pressing Rival Stopper 負投 裏投 Seoi Nage Ura Nage Hoisting Throw Rear Throw 懐剣捕 巻返 Kaiken Dori Maki Gaeshi Dagger Capture Winding Counter 返投 Kaeshi Nage Counter Throw
鯉口 (行き違いの際、抜きつけようとするのを制す形) Koiguchi Mouth of Sword’s Scabbard [lit; “Carp’s Mouth”] (Form which Controls by Extracting in the ‘Iki-Chigae’, Case of Crossing-without-meeting)
[ NOTE: ‘Iki-chigae’ as
indicated by above trans, however, has several meanings -- to cross
saya (scabbards) in public (a social offense among the samuraii) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 押付 込 Osaetsuke (¿Osae-?) komi Pressing Down Immobilizing 肩打 引込 Kata Uchi Hikikomi Shoulder Strike Drawing-in 鍔押 小尻返 Tsuba Osae Koshiri Gaeshi Swordguard Press Buttocks Counter 血之珠 乳裏 Chi No Dama Chichi No Ura Blood Jewel Inside The Breast 眼捕 返返 Me Dori Kaesukaesu Eyeball Capture Repeatedly
居合 (上段より刀で斬り込むのを制す形) Iai Fast Drawn Sword (Form which Controls by Cutting Deeply with a Sword from the Upper Level) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 負投 裏投 Seoi Nage Ura Nage Hoisting Throw Rear Throw 刀腕 返投 Tō'ude/ Katana Ude Kaeshi Nage Sword Arm Counter Throw 柔投 巻返 Yawara Nage Maki Gaeshi Yielding Throw Winding Counter 突込 追掛切 Tsukikomi Oikake Kiri Thrusting-in Pursuing Cut 胸ノ刀 籠潰 Mune No Katana Kago Tsubushi Breast Of The Sword Basket Crusher 眼捕 当捕 Me Dori Ate Dori Eyeball Capture Striking a Blow 当投 闇ノ刀 Ate Nage Yami No Katana Striking Throw Sword shadow 胴切 足裏 Dō Giri Ashi Ura Trunk Cutter Sole-of-the-Foot
(罪人に縄をかける) Gen’nyū Entering the Vital Organ(s) (Rope used to Cover against a Criminal.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 捻付 四ツノ袖 Jōtsuke(?) / Hineritsuke(?) Yotsu No Sode Pinching Out Four Sleeves 小袖 突留 Kosode Tsuki Dome Short Sleeved Thrust Stopper 中指縄 中縄 Nakayubi Nawa Chūnawa Middle Finger Rope Middle Rope 前留腰縄 腰縄 Maeryū Yōjō/ Koshinawa Koshi Nawa Front Stopping Hip Rope Hip Rope 早縄 四縄 Hayanawa Yotsu Nawa Quick Rope Four Ropes 十文字 二重十文字 Jumonji Nijū/ Futae Jumonji Cross Shaped Double Cross Shaped 三寸縄 身胴縄 Samsun Nawa Midō/ Shindō Nawa Three Inch Rope Body's Trunk Rope 捕伏縄 乳隠シ縄 (?)Hofuku/ Toribuse Nawa(?) Chigakushi Nawa Capturing Rope Breast Hiding Rope 袈裟縄 国渡縄 Kesa Nawa Kokuto Nawa Monk's Stole Rope Cross Country Rope 駕籠縄 鮱縄 Kago Nawa Hire Nawa Palanquin Rope Fin Rope 斬縄 番外縄三筋 Kiri Nawa Bangai Nawa Sankin Beheading Rope Extra 3 Sinews Rope
三尺棒(三尺棒で打ってくるのを制す形)(懐剣で打ってくるのを三尺棒で制す形) Sanshakubō Three Foot Staff (Form which Controls by Striking withe a 3 Foot Staff) (Form which Controls by 3 Foot Staff that strikes against a Kaiken Dagger.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 負投 裏投 Seoi Nage Ura Nage Hoisting throw Rear throw 巻返 返投 Maki Gaeshi Kaeshi Nage Winding counter Counter throw 巻捕 当り投 Maki Dori Atari Nage Winding capture Attacking throw 柔投 掻込 Yawara Nage Kakikomi Yielding throw Raking-in 当捕 眼潰 Ate Dori Gan Tsubushi Striking a Blow Eye destroyer 絞り捕 捻付 Shimeri Dori Hineritsuke Strangling Capture Pinching-Out
(打込)(Uchikomi) (Striking) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 懐剣捕 当り返 Kaiken Dori Atari Gaeshi Dagger Capture Attacking Counter 上段捕 中段捕 Jōdan Dori Chūdan Dori Upper Level Capture Middle Level Capture 下段捕 Gedan Dori Lower Level Capture
(打込終わり)(Uchikomi Owari) (Ending by Striking) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 小車 引込 Kosha Hikikomi Small wheel Drawing-in 芸州 無壯 Geishu(?) Mu-Takeshi Provincial artifice Without the big-wig 〆込襷 上段〆 Shimekomi Tasuki Jōdan Jime Sleeve cord constriction Upper level strangle 虎〆 下段〆 Kojime Gedan Jime Tiger strangle Lower level strangle
三尺棒御膳捕 (対座して懐剣で打ち込むのを三尺棒で制す形) Sanshakubō Ozen Dori Capturing at a Prepared Table (Form which Controls by Striking with a Three Foot Staff against a Kaiken Dagger while Sitting Face to Face.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 脛巻 当り返 Sune Maki Atari Gaeshi Leg Winder Attacking Counter 六尺棒 (六尺棒対六尺棒の基本の形) Rokushakubō Six Foot Staff (Form of the Kihon Basics of 6 Foot Staff Paired Against 6 Foot Staff.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一本 はつの Ippon Hatsuno First Item (?) First (?) 二本 せぐち Nippon Seguchi Second Item (?) ? (?) 三本 すんげ Sanbon Sunge Third Item (?) Bottom inch (?) 四本 いせん Yonhon Isen Fourth Item (?) Parallel (?) 五本 ゆうか Gohon Yūka Fifth Item (?) Valuables (?) 六本 やみ Roppon Yame Sixth Item (?) Darkness (?) 七本 かすみ Nanahon Kasumi Seventh Item (?) Mist (?) 八本 はつか Happon Hatsuka Eigth Item (?) Twenty days (?) 六尺棒裏棒 (六尺棒対六尺棒の応用の形) Rokushakubō Urabō 6 Foot Staff Inner Staff (Form of Application of 6 Foot Staff Paired Against 6 Foot Staff.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- がんつぶし Gan Tsubushi Sight destroyer じょうとんぶ
Jōtonbu (??) ちのたま Chi no Tama Blood Jewel きもつぶし Kimo Tsubushi Liver Destroyer 下段 Gedan Lower Level 血の珠 Chi No Tama Blood Jewel すぎた Sugita (?)Passing Beyond (?) わぎた Wakita (? Divided ?) 六尺棒引尻棒 Rokushakubō Hikishiri-Bō 6 Foot Staff 'Buttocks' Drawing Staff 脛巻 Sune Maki Leg Winder 六尺棒刎棒 Rokushakubō Kubihane-Bō 6 Foot Staff Decapitating Staff
刀と棒 (刀で斬りかかるのを六尺棒で制す形) Katana To Bō Sword and Stick (Form which Controls by 6 Foot Staff against a Sword Cutting-down .) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 脛巻 柔落 Sune Maki Yawara Otoshi Leg winder Yeilding drop 肝潰 当捕 Kimo Kudaki Ate Dori Liver destroyer Striking a Blow 下段捕 中段捕 Gedan Dori Chūdan Dori Lower Level Capture Middle Level Capture 蹴込 刀腕 Kerikomi Katana Ude Kicking-in Sword Arm 小手落 下三寸 Kote Otoshi Shimo Samsun Wrist Drop Lower 3 Inches 上三寸 突込 Kami Samsun Tsukikomi Upper 3 Inches Striking-in 柔捕 蹴込 Yawara Dori Kerikomi Yielding Capture Kicking-in
小棒 (懐剣・刀で斬りかかるを小棒で制す形) ※小棒は指先から腕曲までの長さ Shōbō Small Staff (Form which Controls by a Shōbō Small Staff against a Kaiken Dagger or Sword Cutting-down.) ※ A Shōbō Small stick is the length from a fingertip to the Elbow joint. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 当り捕 当り捕 Atari Dori Atari Dori Attacking Capture Attacking Capture 当り打 足裏 Atari Uchi Ashi Ura Attacking Strike Sole Of The Foot 頷潰 前の三枚 Gan Tsubushi Mae No Sammai Nod-Of-Approval-Destroyer Front Fillet 乳裏 小手落 Chichi Ura Kote Otoshi Inside The Breast Wrist Drop 上段捕 中段捕 Jōdan Dori Chūdan Dori Upper Level Capture Middle Level Capture 柔落 脇の三枚 Yawara Otoshi Waki No Sammai Yielding Drop Side Fillet 柔打 上段止メ Yawara Uchi Jōdan Do(-me)jime Yielding Strike Upper Level Strangle Stopper
十手 (刀で斬りかかるのを十手で制す形) Jutte ‘Ten Hands’ Truncheon (Form which Controls a Sword Cutting-down with the ‘Ten Hands’ Truncheon) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 柔打 巻返 Yawara Uchi Maki Gaeshi Yielding Strike Winding Counter 当り捕 Atari Dori Attacking Capture
分童 (刀で斬りくるのを分童鎖で制す形) Fundō Sectioned Link (Form which Controls a Sword Cutting-down with a Fundō Kusari Small Linked Chain.) [NOTE: This is a Ryuha
specific term for Fundō, which is usually written “ 分銅
” and
means “counterweight(-ed)” (lit; “Copper
sectioned”, hence a copper -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 乳裏 下段 Chichi Ura Gedan Inside The Breast Lower Level 籠手落 Kote Otoshi Gauntlet Drop
鎖鎌 (刀で斬りかかるのを鎖鎌で制す形) Kusarigama Chained Sickle (Form which Controls a Sword Cutting-down with a Chained Sickle) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 足裏 頭捕 Ashi Ura Tō Dori Sole-Of-The-Foot Head Capture 乳裏 片手絞 Chichi Ura Katate Jime Inside The Breast Single Hand Strangle 両手絞 太刀落 Ryōte Jime Daitō Otoshi Double Handed Strangle Long-Sword Drop 小手落 胴打 Kote Otoshi Dō Uchi Wrist Drop Trunk Strike 締落 Shime Otoshi Tying Drop 上段両手絞 Jōdan Ryōte Jime Upper Level Tying With Both Hands
居合 (抜刀術) Iai Fast Drawn Sword (Art of Drawing a Sword / Art of the Drawn Sword.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 前 後 Zen Kō Front Back 左 右 Sa Yū Right Left 前後 左右 Zenko Sayū Front and Back Right and Left 抜打 押抜 Meki(?) Uchi Osaemeki(?) Drawing Strike Arresting Draw 突留 胸ノ刀 Tsuki Dome Mune No Katana Thrust Stopper Sword Breast 追掛斬 飛去 Oikake Giri Hihō Pursuing Cut Leaping Method 後口斬 誘引斬 Atokuchi Giri Yūin Giri Aftertaste Cut Enticement Cut 引取 逆澤瀉 Hikitori (?)[ pronunciation ](?) Departing Reverse Swamp Exit 闇ノ刀 水月 Yame No Tō Suigetsu Sword Shadow Moon On The Water 鍛錬法 Tanren No Hō Training Methods |
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