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The following is an amateur translation, for enjoyment only, of the website:

This is only an amateur translation and some of the kanji and terminology employed by this
school are quite obscure, so some errors are likely. I apologize but it's the best I can do.

法典流武術   Hōten-Ryu Bujutsu

School of the Code of Law, Paramilitary Martial Arts

【 武芸目録 】

[Bugei Mokuroku]

[Catalog of Martial Arts]


The martial arts of this school are complex and wide-ranging, it [Hōten-ryu] is an old form name and can classify roughly into 10 categories.


The below-mentioned, although the inheritance of the Owari Dojo, is an introduction about the outline [of the Mokuroku].

[ 壱丁 ]    ICHI “CHŌ”     ONE --  THE ROAD

[ 弐叉 ]      NI “SEI”     TWO --  FORK in the ROAD

[ 参捨 ]    SEN “SHA”    THREE --  ABANDOMENT

[ 四水 ]      SHI “SUI”     FOUR --  WATER

[ 五圍 ]      GO "I"     FIVE  --  ENCLOSE / SURROUND / ENCIRCLE

[ 六棚 ]     ROKU “HO”     SIX  --  RACKS / MANTLES

[ 七歩 ]     SICHI “HŌ”     SEVEN  --  WALKING

[ 八双 ]     HACHI SŌ     EIGHT --  SETS/Pairs

[ 九石 ]     KYU SEKI”     NINE --  STONE

[ 十平 ]     JU HEI     TEN --  FLAT

[ NOTES: Please notice that this is a heavily 'themed' school, the 10 categories listed are named to correspond to elements of the martial path, beginning with the embarkation upon that path and terminating at what is described as 'flat stone'. One may understand the 'flat stone' as meaning either the stepping stones inlaid along the old style roadways, or it can be understood as a gravestone. Basically the 10 listed categories spell out a basic descriptive message something along the lines of : "Going along the road, one comes to the fork in the road..." the decision whether to proceed or to turn back "... having decided, one abandons reservation, store and bring [your own] water supplies into the enclosure and attend to the weapons racks. From there, walk together in pairs along [or otherwise, 'until one reaches'] the flat stones." It's a really basic description of the ancient path to the battlefield. The entire school document reads like this and makes constant references to such ancient paramilitary customs and ventures. The items and sub-items of the 10 categories all allude to internal details of the journey's stage, I could have spelled it all out but I thought it was enough to point it out. ]

[ 壱丁 ]   ICHI “CHŌ      ONE --   THE ROAD

古剣    Koken   Ancient Sword

◯ 基本   Kihon   Basics

基本三法  Kihon Sanpō   Basic 3 Methods

素振り七法    Suburi Sichihō   7 Methods of Wielding

運足七法  Unsoku Sichihō   7 Methods of Stepping

七息立     Nana Sokuritsu     7 Vital Stances

◯ 剣術    Kenjutsu    Sword of Antiquity

古剣三法  (手捌四本  受太刀三本  一本技四本)

Koken Sanpō  (Te Sabaki Yonbon   (?)Uke/Ju(?)Tachi Sanbon    Ippon Gi/Waza Yonbon)

3 Methods of Ancient Sword (Hand Manipulation 4 Items Receiving Longsword 3 Items One Technique 4 Items)

乱剣二通  Ranken Nitsū     Violent Sword Two Copies

礼剣 (表裏十本)   Reiken (Omote-Ura Juhon)     Formal Sword (Inner-Outer 10 Items)

挙動剣三本  Kyodōken-Sanbon    Sword Conduct 3 Items

槍動剣四本  Sōdōken Yonbon     Spear Conduct Sword 4 Items

即剣四本   Sokuken Yonbon    Sword Adapt 4 Items

飛剣一本  Hiken Ippon    Flying Sword 1 Item

箴剣    Shinken     Sword of Counsel

鎌倉期古剣     Kamakura-ki Koken     Kamakura Period Ancient Sword

◯ 刀術   Tōjutsu    Sword Art  

礼式礼   Reishiki Rei    Ceremonial Etiquette

立居抜刀   Tachii Battō    Bearing when Swords Drawn 

歩行抜刀   Hōkō Battō    Walking when Swords Drawn 

羽変抜刀   Uhen Battō    ‘Wing Change’(?) when Swords Drawn [limb management?] 

反転抜刀   Hanten Battō    Rolling/Turning when Swords Drawn  

三段斬  Sandan Giri     Three Way Beheading

四面構     Shimenkō   (4 /All) Sides Posture

弐之段四本    Ni No Dan Yonhon  Two Steps Four Items 

五當    Goto/Go Atari     Five Strikes/Undertakings  

対陣  Taijin     Confrontation of armies  

流形     Ryu Gata     School Patterns

◯ 手取刺跨    Tetori (?)Sashigaru(?)     (?)Straddling Challenge(?)

Note: Contains references to Grappling or fighting (TORITE / TE TORI)

防御次第三本    Bōgyo Shidai Sanbon    Strategies/Circumstances of Defense  Three Items   

攻撃次第二通十本   Kōgeki Shidai Nitsu Juhon    Strategies of Assault  Two Copies  Ten Items     

奥伝五本    Okuden Gohon    Inner Transmission  5 Items  

口伝一本    Kuden Ippon      Oral Transmission  One Item

[ 弐叉 ]    NI “SEI”     TWO --  FORK in the ROAD

◯ 杖術    Jōjutsu    Cane Art

十形    Ju Kata    10 Forms


(Karasu Sagi Sagi Suiten Mozu Mekurauchi Chō Gaeshi Tsurumai Inadzuma Fajō)

(Crow Heron Heron Heaven-Water Shrike Random Hits Butterfly Counter Crane Dance Lightening  Cane Bearing) * (see NOTES)

十字崩    Juji Kuzushi    Cross Shaped Crusher

十字割    Juji Wari    Dividing Cross Shaped

二段打     Ni Dan Uchi     Hitting Two Levels

飛打     Tobi Uchi     Flying/Leaping Strike

◯二丁杖     Ni Chō Zue    Two Canes

表八本     Omote Happon    Outer 8 Items  崩七本    Kuzushi Sichi Hon    Destroying 7 Items

◯手杖     Shujō     Hand Cane / Walking Stick

◯方杖     Hōjō     Cane Direction

◯風鼬     Fūyū / Kaze Itachi     Weasel Wind

◯二棍     Ni Kon / Ni Zue     Two Canes

NOTE: Slick fuckers, it's a bit of an encodement, produced by doubling and rearranging the kanji, seems that it should read:

(烏鷺・鷺水天・百舌・盲打・・・ ETC ETC)

( U’Ro Ro-SuitenMozuMekurauchi・・・ETC ETC )

(Crows and HeronsHeron on the Horizon (of the sea)Shrike [a Bird]Random Hits・・・ETC ETC)

BUT THEY HAVE DIVIDED EACH WORD OF THE PHRASE TO FORM 10 PLACES (it forms a primitive sentence which, translated fully, says something like:

[There are] Crows and Herons, [the] Herons stand on the Horizon of the Sea, with the Shrikes, doing the Crane’s dance and making Random hits plucking out [fish] like lightening…”) IT IS A REFERENCE TO ENEMY AND ALLIED FORCES ON THE BATTLEFEILD. The ravens probably refer to spies. The occurrence of Kocho dori is where you get the 'plucking out' referenced in the remark. Notice the Katas listed THEREAFTER refer again to the same scene: Juji, Cross shaped, from the appearance of the Heron/Crane’s legs crossing in pose of the hunt. Juji Wari referring to the same thing in transit(?) and probably parting seaweed or grass to spot the fish. Ni Dan Uchi and Tobi Uchi are references to the strikes against the fish.

The website shows that the Jo staves are processed tree branches and not commercial staves.
So the weapon is not straight and smooth, as with the usual M.A. Staves and Canes.

[ 参捨 ]   SEN “SHA”     THREE --  ABANDOMENT

分銅術    Fundojutsu    Counterweight Art

◯分銅術     Fundojutsu     Counterweight Art

振十本  Furi/Shin Jubon     Weilding 10 Items

採三形    Sei/Toru San Gata    Take/Fetch 3 Forms

打七本  Da/Utsu/Uchi Sichibon     Striking 7 Items

投六本     To/Nage(ru)    Throwing 6 Items

からみ三本   Karame Sanbon    Throwing 3 Items 

目引  Me Hiki    Eye Plucking

六處配  Roku Shohai/ Roku Tokoro Kuburi    6 Positionings/Placements

居合  Iai     Fast Drawn

水練  Suiren     Swimming Practice/Water Training

投分銅     Nage Fundo     Throwing the Counterweight

奥二本     O(ku) Nippon     Two Secrets

◯長秤    Chō/Naga Hakari     Long Scales

構   Kamae     Postures

受四本   Uke(ru) Yonhon    Parrying 4 Items

打六本   Uchi Roppon     Striking 6 Items

奥捌六本     O(ku) Sabaki Roppon    Secret Manipulations 6 Items

◯治形秤    Jikei Hakari /Osame-Gata Hakari     Quelling Form Scales

◯杖分銅     Jōfundo     Cane Counterweight


NOTE: Hoden-ryu Fundojutsu impliments: The website shows these implements to be flat plate metal heads attached to a short hemp rope (perhaps 5 feet long) by a small metal ring (inserted thru a hole drilled in the flat plate.) One of the plate heads is starburst design (4-5 points), another is like the blade of a Hawkbill knife, the third is a standard counterweight (perhaps 1½ - 2 inches long) NOT WHAT ONE WOULD USUALLY FIND FOR FUNDO!

[ 四水 ]    SHI “SUI”    FOUR  --  WATER

◯受瀧    Jukō/Uke Taki    Accepting Waterfalls



Rōkō/Taki Iku (瀧行) “Frequenting Waterfalls” is performed, in order to make heart and soul healthy and to carry out a similar style to Nature. Moreover,
Hijutsu ‘Occult Arts’ (
祕術 *) of Taki Dome (瀧止め) “Waterfall Stopping” is also told.

◯参籠    Sanrō     Three Baskets*



3 baskets are carried out to deep mountains and dark valleys, and practice which elaborates mind and body is carried out.
Various manners, knowledge, etc. in Yamanaka are taught.

NOTE: The website shows this to be Water Training, a man standing in a small waterfall is shown. Also, “Three Baskets” is some kind of Zen(?) Buddhist
Pilgramage into mountainous regions, probably related to Shugendo (the term “shugyo” appears in conjunctions thereto.)


◯鉄杖    Tetsujō / Kurogawa Zue    Iron Cane (truncheon -- see note below)

一の形   Ichi No Kata    Form One

二の形  Ni No Kata     Form Two

捌三法     San No Kata    Form Three

正攻法     Seikōhō    Frontal Attack (Lit. “Correct Attack Method”, common Dict Tm)

鉄杖仕打     Tetsujō Shi’uchi     Iron Cane Treatment/Action

◯棒術    Bōjutsu     Staff Art

構三法     Kamae Sanpō     Three methods of Posture

攻十法    Kōjuhō     10 Methods of Assault

交五法  Majieru Gohō    Five Methods of Exchanging / Crossing Swords

突三法   Tsuki Sanpō    Three Methods of Thrusting  

振拂三法    Furi Harai* Sanpō     Three Methods of Shaking Off*

◯槍術    Sōjutsu    Spearmanship

NOTE: The website shows these to be Truncheons not unlike a Jutte but lacking the Kage hook (one shown did, however, have a small round finger guard.)
The S
ōjutsu mentioned is not likely w/ a standard Yari spear (none of the other weapons have been standard.)

[ 六棚 ]    ROKU “HO”     SIX --  RACKS / MANTLES

◯如意棒    Nyoi Bō     Priest's Staff

◯玩掌     Ganshō    Trifling With / Making Sport

◯杓掌    Shakushō / Chōshō    Scooping Palms

◯如意輪     Nyoi Rin    Rings of the Priest's Staff

◯短啓     Tankei     Pocket Opener(?)

◯結(真田結)     Musubi (Tanada Musubi)     Knotting (Braid knotting)

NOTE: The website shows NOTHING by way of explanation here, no associated pictures.

[ 七歩 ]    SICHI “HŌ”     SEVEN --  WALKING

◯棒鎖    Bōkusari     Stick and Chain

守の形    Shu No Kata    Forms of Protection

攻の形   Kō No Kata    Forms of Work

鍛錬技    Tanren Waza    Techniques of Training

◯鎖二丁秤    Kusari Nichōshō/ Kusari Nichō Hakari      Two Tooled Chain Scales

捌形  Sabaki Gata    Manipulation Forms 

打撃法  Dageki Hō    Methods of Striking 

捌三法  Sabaki Sanpō    Three Methods of Manipulation  

奥六法    Oku(ma) Roppō    Six Secret Methods

NOTE: The website shows these two items to be small linked chain weapons:

[1] Bōkusari: Short length of chain (10-12”) with metal handle (6-8”) on one end and a flat heavy counterweight (1½”X½”) on the other (looks like it bludgeons).
Kusari Nich
ō Hakari: [2] A length of chain (3-4” only) joining two heavy bladed square ended Hira Shuriken (4-5”X¾” wide) [3] A length of chain (14-18” long)
joining two heavy bladed pointed
Hira Shuriken (4-5”X¾” wide) [4] A length of chain (12-14” long) nothing attached.

◯手鎖    Te Gusari    Hand Chain

手鎖扱方     Te Gusari Sohō     Hand Chain Handling Methods

◯如意条     Nyoi Ji     Preist’s Staff Implement

◯鉤条     Kōji / Kagisuji    Hook Implement

◯手の内     Te No Uchi    In-Palm

NOTE: The website shows these four items to be small linked chain weapons:

[1] A length of chain (12-14” long) nothing attached. This is the Te Gusari. [2] Short length of chain (12-14” long) with curved metal handle, hook like (6” long.)
This is probably the nyoiji.
[3] A short length of chain (5-6” long) on one end a heavy long bladed hook (6-8”X¾” wide.) Hooked blade is longer than the chain,
looks like. This is probably the Kagesuji.
[4] A short length of chain (5-6” long) attached on one end a heavy long flat piece of metal (this is likely the Te-no-uchi.)

◯ 鎖 Kusarigama Sickle and chain

NOTE: The website shows that this is not a standard Kusarigama, but instead: a length of chain (2-3 feet long) with a short brass counterweight at one ringed end
and a strange looking “U” shaped blade at the other (looks like it’s maybe 8” long X 6” wide) blade has a sharp hook at one of the top corners and looks flat and
wide, shaped like this: “
Л “ with chain attached at the curved tail.

[ 八双 ]     HACHI SŌ     EIGHT --  SETS/Pairs

◯標的打    Hyōteki Uchi    Hitting the Target

◯投針    Nagebari     Throwing Needles (coins, long thick iron needles and spikes, shuriken and etc)

NOTE: The website shows that this Hyōteki is a bundle of sticks tied together in the middle (perhaps a bundle of 6 sticks, solid, about finger width and perhaps
1-1½ feet long each.) Can you say “Firewood”? Can you say “
Burn that bitch to the ground”?

[ 九石 ]     KYU SEKI”    NINE  --   STONE

◯木偏    Kihen     Shaped like a Two-branched Tree (two tiny pieces of wood bound together at the top -- purpose unknown?)

◯手秤    Te Hakari     Hand Scales (some kind of stick weapon)

◯脇差秤    Wakizashi Hakari     Shortsword Scales (small length of metal, 6”, red tassled cord wrapped around end for grip.)

◯煤子    Beishi/Suko/Sune     Child of Soot
Tree branch 1” X 8”, tiny length of rope and one has a counterweight. Name probably derived from having plucked a stick out of the campfire for
use in immediate defense -- but also this refers again to burning things down like in Hy
ōteki Uchi above.)

◯五月雨    Sumidare      Early Summer Rain

◯五月雨繩    Sumidare Nawa     Early Summer Rain Rope

[ 十平 ]     JU HEI     TEN --  FLAT

◯鉄扇術    Tessen Jutsu     Iron Fan Art

治の形   Osame No Kata     Forms of Quelling

初伝五本     Shoden Gohon     Initial Level 5 Items

中伝五本     Chūden Gohon      Middle Level 5 Items

陣の舞     Jin No Bu     Flitting the Camp








Those who study Tessen Jutsu should study the heart rather than a form first The Disciplined Heart is essential, which inquires,
and a solemn thing -- resembling the court music of Japan -- slack.

ONE and a graceful thing -- the inside of the Martial Horn -- dignity -- preparation.

ONE and a grand thing -- like a Great Mountain.

The Right-side three items and it is certainly preparation

That is, the same as ready wielding in the heart of writing -- becoming --

Also reading the Book of Flitting the Camp and of Reading Hearts/Minds

It is told that writing Martial objects is a principle of this school.

式礼五本     Shikirei Gohon     Formal Ettiquette 5 Items

斑鳩作法     Ikaro Sakuhō      Method of Preparing [like a] Japanese grosbeak [a bird]

◯書道     Shodō     Way of Literature/Writing/Books


The 14th hereditary instructor of this style makes writing Martial objects a principle

The hand of the Tenshi Law teacher of the Nine-fold Mandarin Orange Temple Method (橘九重院法 *) is introduced.     

◯ 伝 書    Denshō     Written Traditions


Hijutsu listed as 祕術 instead of the more common 秘術

Furi Harai  Ryuha specific Kanji used was: 振拂

振り払う 【ふりはらう Furiharai (v5u,vt) to shake off

Sanrō Three Baskets

参籠 【さんろう Sanrō (n,vs) retirement (to a temple of shrine) for prayer

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